Talk about flogging an old (but perhaps not quite dead

) horse....
Just to keep others in the loop: Chuck brought this up on the old Yahoo board in January 2005, were it was discussed quite a lot. Some things have actually changed since then, partly accomodating some of the issues that were raised at the time.
Lets look at a bit of data from the German OOB....
The German 2cm tank and armoured car gun is found in several different versions:
Weapon #37 2cm KwK 30 Gun (Class 5)
Weapon #8 2cm KwK 38 Gun (Class 5)
Weapon #58 2cm KwK 35 AC (Class 5)
Weapon #17 2cm KwK 38 AC (Class 19)
Weapon #38 2cm KwK 30 AC (Class 19)
The Class 5 weapons are the basic turret mounted weapon while the Class 19 weapons also have an AA capability, reflecting the special mount found in some German armoured cars. The KwK 30 is the early version, the KwK 38 is a similar, but later design and the KwK 35 is an oddity found only the the Austrian ADGZ armoured car used by the German Army. So all the KwK 30/38 are basically the same type of weapon, that could fired burst or single rounds as the gunner pleased.
Then lets take a look at the vehicles in the OOB that carries these weapons and their ammo load, looking at the number of rounds carried in the game vs the actual ammo load (actual load mostly from Chamberlain & Doyle):
834 - PzKw IIa/b: 36/180
002 - PzKw IIc: 36/180
388 - PzKw IIc: 36/180
460 - PzKw IIc: 36/180
835 - PzKw IIc: 36/180
215 - PzKw IId: 36/180
003 - PzKw IIf: 36/180
836 - PzKw IIf: 36/180
838 - PzKw IIf: 36/180
004 - PzKw II Luchs: 36/330
585 - Maus V2: 100/?
390 - SdKfz 222: 20/180
391 - SdKfz 222: 20/180
844 - SdKfz 222: 20/180
068 - SdKfz 222: 20/180
(Class 19 weapon)
070 - SdKfz 231 (6): 22/200
392 - SdKfz 231 (6): 22/200
833 - SdKfz 231 (6): 22/200
071 - SdKfz 231 (8): 20/180
384 - SdKfz 231 (8): 20/180
590 - SdKfz 231 (8): 20/180
845 - SdKfz 231 (8): 20/180
072 - SdKfz 234/1: 52/480
(Class 19 weapon)
162 - SdKfz 250/9: 22/100
383 - SdKfz 250/9: 22/100
860 - SdKfz 250/9: 22/100
(Class 19 weapon)
950 - Aufklarer 38t: 20/180
951 - Aufklarer 38t: 20/180
(Class 19 weapon)
Some inconsistencies aside, it would seem that in general, one shot in the game terms equals a 5 round burst from a tank like the Panzer II and a 9 round burst from armoured cars.
Exactly how these numbers were reached, I dont know. As has been pointed out several times, they may have been made by different OOB designers for different reasons over time as the game developed and the logic behind the differencies may seem rather fuzzy by now. In any case, these are the actual numbers that we are dealing with.
In the game, the 2cm KwK can only be treated as either an autocannon (firing bursts) or as a single shot weapon. In reality, it could do both and I think we can safely assume that the gunner would choose whatever option he thought appropriate for any given target. There is, however, no way to model this kind of flexibility in the game.
Chuck makes the case for treating it as a single-shot weapon, so allow me to make a few arguments for treating it as an automatic.
- The 10-round magazines were loaded with an equal amount of AP and HE, alternating the rounds. So in many cases (in combat probably most cases), selecting the right ammunition for the job would mean firing two rounds. This suggests that giving the Panzer II 180 single-fire rounds (90 HE, 90 AP) is excessive.
- Combat reports from France in 1940 suggest that since the 2cm gun wasn't very effective in penetrating most French tanks, the preferred method was to fire bursts against them. That would often rattle the crew sufficiently to have them surrender or bail out (but did not result in penetration, apparently).
- Same combat reports speaks of bursts being fired against enemy anti-tank guns.
Point being that bursts were fired against targets requiring AP as well as HE. And both type of targets did in fact recieve a dose of both due to the way the magazines were loaded.
So a single-shot weapon with 180 rounds would be just as wrong or right as a full-auto weapon with only 20 rounds.
It would seem that OOB designers have taken that argument into account in the case of the Panzer II, taking the middle road of giving the tank 36 rounds, representing 5 round bursts.
It would seem to me that the armoured cars armed with the Class 5 weapon should be similar to the tanks, while I guess you could make the case for the Class 19 weapons firing 9 round bursts by virtue of the their AA-capability. Firing against planes, they would likely try to get as many rounds into the air as possible.
Claus B