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Old March 21st, 2006, 03:08 PM
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Default Operation Camping Trip

Hey guys,
The names Tyler I'm a new player to MBT but I do have about 2 years experiance in WAW (recognise a few names in the forums) Ive gotta say my real passion is building my own scenarios. The one I'm currently working on is as follows:
Its 1957 and tension is higher than ever between NATO and the USSR. Taking the reconstruction of the West German military as a threat to herself and her Allies the USSR begins an all out invasion of Western Germany. The first defenders are easily brushed aside by the onrushing East German Soviet and Polish Armour and Paratroopers. As the NATO forces finaly stabilise a fighting front West German Police Stations close to the fighting are given the orders to evacuate nearby towns. Alongside UN workers, the West German Army and the British the evacuation of several small hamlets and towns begins. In the Scenario I am currently designing the Enemy has broken through the defensive line before evacuation could be completed and the player must hastily evacuate as many civilians as he can with minimal casualties.
In order for me to complete this scenario I need to know Several things:
Firstly Can anybody think of a better Op. Name?

Is there a way of creating an Exit Hex?

Would anybody be interested in playing this sort of Scenario?

Was Wursellen in former East or Former West Germany?
If this town was in the former East can anybody tell me a map that includes 1 town / Large village and several outlying villages with an autobahn route somewhere nearby?
(this is because I am a rubbish map designer)

What sub-machine gun or rifle would have been Issued to Polizei personnel in 1957? (Currently they are armed with an M3A1 and pistol)

Is there a way to separate the Crew from a vehicle without damaging the vehicle?

If you would like any further details on this scenario I will add more on request.
Capt. T White
"The Object of war is not to die for your country, its to make the other B*****d die for his."
-General Patton
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Old March 22nd, 2006, 09:42 AM

MacGalin MacGalin is offline
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Default Re: Operation Camping Trip

Capt_White said:


Is there a way of creating an Exit Hex?

-AFAIK, no. Only way to exit is throught the side of the map.


Would anybody be interested in playing this sort of Scenario?



What sub-machine gun or rifle would have been Issued to Polizei personnel in 1957? (Currently they are armed with an M3A1 and pistol)

Probably they would just use pistols, but during the war i think they would be issued weapons from army storages. In 1957 i suppose it would be M3 SMGs, and M1 Garand rifles. Maybe some FN-Fal/G-1s, but most of those would be used by front line troops.


Is there a way to separate the Crew from a vehicle without damaging the vehicle?

Is there a way to separate the Crew from a vehicle without damaging the vehicle?
During mission, you can bail ot the crew using @ key. During scenario degsin - i havent't heard about any way to do it.
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Old March 22nd, 2006, 02:41 PM

Mustang Mustang is offline
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Default Re: Operation Camping Trip

Exit hex:

What I do in situations like this is create a long line of water, impassable terrain, minefields, barbed wire and dragons teeth, or SOMETHING along the edge of the map to prevent the player from exiting along that edge. Looks kind of wierd on the map, but it works, and you can use it to limit access to certain parts of the edge.

Crew and vehicles:

Select any unit and hit the "R" key. This will bring up a thing that will allow you to switch out this unit for one of a different type (a lot of interesting and useful things can be bought, like ships, fortified houses, mule caravans, grounded planes, etc.). Switch out your unit for a Crew unit, then hit "D" (the data menu) to change the unit's data if you want to set how many men your crew unit has.

If you want to create a destroyed tank and have the crew near it, there was a thread about this not long ago. Here's a link: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...b=5&o=&fpart=1
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Old March 22nd, 2006, 04:05 PM
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Default Re: Operation Camping Trip

Thanks alot for the help guys!
All greatly appreciated.
I managed to find Wurselen due to a very good german friend of mine. It is VERY close to Belgium LUX and the Netherlands
So I thought a little intervention from those Nations might as well be incorporated into the scenario
Capt. T White
"The Object of war is not to die for your country, its to make the other B*****d die for his."
-General Patton
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Old April 24th, 2006, 06:33 PM

Zocktan Zocktan is offline
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Default Re: Operation Camping Trip

the scenario sounds great!
for the name i would choose something idyllic, because in the german military it is usual to give operations that involves civilians such a name.
a name with trip in it would fit to an evacuation, but i would call the plan family trip (familienausflug)or holiday trip (urlaubsfahrt)
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