Re: New Star Wars Reb mod issues
You just hit Bullseye, Junkie......
That�s exactly the way I want to setup an SW game with this mod, or for 70%...........
So I will give you an update at the progress,
Heretic is almost ready with the SW map, after that it is an matter of days that the both of us want to start an good RPG game. The races (players) involved sofar are,
Side 1
Corporate Sector Authority
Side 2
Rebel Alliance (the Mon Mothma group)
Mon Calamari
Jabba the Hutt (no colonisation)
Talon Karrde�s smuggler group (no colonisation)
Alderaan (no colonisation)
Naboo (no colonisation)
I�m working on the Hapan and the Ssi ruuk but probably not ready within 4 to 6 weeks.
I will consider your Scenario idea, sounds fun.
see ya,