If 34 is the correct figure, then you'd better be quite sure of what you're doing before MOBhacking anything, unless you backup all your files, don't mind browsing your whole stuff for the original oob when needed and not being able to play PBEM anymore
Either load everyone in few of the transports and use the rest as reserve or diversion, or despatch your troops in as many transports as possible so you'll lose less of them if (when) one gets hit. depends on your enemy and your global strategy.
Besides, how are your transports grouped? are they part of the infantry platoons or bought separately?
Anyway make sure to load together units that will fight together, otherwise you'll end up with 'out of contact' problems: either part of your inf. platoons will end up in the wrong place and get suppressed from being 2 miles from their commander, or your transport units will get split and start get supressed just s well, which can be bad when landing under fire