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Old August 8th, 2001, 09:54 AM
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Default Re: OT- Star Wars Episode II Title Released

Originally posted by dogscoff:
Perhaps they'll turn Smaug into a friendly little dog-sized dragon who does ute little tricks...

I think Smaug was in another book.. I cant quite recal the name of the giant spider that made an apearance in LoTR, but im betting she does not make the movie. The ring-wraiths look like standard fare ring-wraiths, but i have not seen any pics yet of their flying mounts. I saw a wireframe of gollum, and it certainly passes muster. Rumor has it that they have a quite glorious CG ballrog, but I think its under tight wraps.

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...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
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Old August 8th, 2001, 12:50 PM

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Default Re: OT- Star Wars Episode II Title Released

Smaug was from The Hobbit.

I had heard that they were trying to make the LOTR movies follow the books as closely as possible. Either way, I can't really see them cutting out the Shelobs Liar part of the story as the events at shelobs lair/cirith ungol are a significant point in the story.
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Old August 8th, 2001, 04:08 PM
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Default Re: OT- Star Wars Episode II Title Released

I do know they cut Tom Bombadil.
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Old August 8th, 2001, 04:16 PM

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Default Re: OT- Star Wars Episode II Title Released

Tom Bombadil was a great character but not so important for the flow of the story (was great for the world caracterization ...).

Theere area really a lot (too much for a movie) character in the LotR and I think they will have to do some cut ...

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Old August 8th, 2001, 05:21 PM

Baron Munchausen Baron Munchausen is offline
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Default Re: OT- Star Wars Episode II Title Released

Originally posted by dogscoff:
Speaking of movies to look forward to, how about "The Lord of the Rings"?

Worth going to see, but what's the betting they introduce some kind of cute, annoying JarJar kiddie interest character to fk it all up. Perhaps they'll turn Smaug into a friendly little dog-sized dragon who does ute little tricks...

There's a list of known changes out there on the web somewhere. I read it, but I've spaced the location now.

From reading that, it seems they've altered the part of Arwen so radically that she's more like Xena than Arwen. She's with Glorfindel on the chase to the fords of Bruinen, she shows up at Rauros with a force of Lorien elves to save them from the orcs, she shows up at Helms Deep, etc... And Galadriel goes marching around, too. Armies of Elves go marching all over the place to protect everyone else. What happened to the 'fading' of the First Born? I think that's what will annoy people who know the books most of all.

[This message has been edited by Baron Munchausen (edited 08 August 2001).]
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Old August 9th, 2001, 01:32 AM

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Default Re: OT- Star Wars Episode II Title Released

Attack of the Clones.....

WHAT THE HELL is thier problem. When I go to the theater, I want to see good, sci-fi and fantasy. Not some cheesy Ed Wood Plan 9 From Outer Space wannabe.


BTW, Did anyone hear about the New Transformer Series coming out this fall?

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Old August 10th, 2001, 08:12 AM

CyC CyC is offline
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Default Re: OT- Star Wars Episode II Title Released

While we are miles of the subject of SE4
I just saw Planet of the Apes for the first time recently and have never seen the original and was wondering if the original had that really stupid ending that the new ones does, do not want to say much about the ending incase people have not seen the movie yet, but it sucked (crappy ending of all time)
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Old August 10th, 2001, 09:42 AM
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Default Re: OT- Star Wars Episode II Title Released

Originally posted by CyC:
While we are miles of the subject of SE4
I just saw Planet of the Apes for the first time recently and have never seen the original and was wondering if the original had that really stupid ending that the new ones does, do not want to say much about the ending incase people have not seen the movie yet, but it sucked (crappy ending of all time)

having not seen the new one, i DOUBT it. mainly, because the first one had a supprise (sort of) ending and since everyone already knows whats going on, its not much of a suprise, is it?

in the first one, they did not actually know they were on earth. there were these barbarian human like things that didnt talk, and the apes used them for slaves. the astronaughts were like "hmm, isnt this an odd case of parallel evolution. I feel like I am in a bad startrek episode." and at the end, GUESS WHAT? It was EARTH! my gawd, what a shock. everyone was so supprised. the main character (someone help me with his name) found the statue of liberty buried up to its neck in the sand and had a breakdown when he realized what had happened to the world.

BUT YOU CANT REMAKE AN APPOCALYPSE MOVIE NOW THAT THE WORLD IS NOT ENDING ANYMORE! i swear, popular culture has been going down hill ever since the iron curtain came down. if you cant be scared of the commies getting into a nuke-fest with McCarther or Ronney-RayGun, what the hell do you have left to make movies about? certainly not mutants in an atomic wasteland with crossbows strapped to their forearms. I'll tell you that much for certain.

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...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
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Old August 10th, 2001, 03:41 PM

tesco samoa tesco samoa is offline
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Default Re: OT- Star Wars Episode II Title Released

I really liked the plot twists. Man did not see any of that coming. When I saw Pearl Harbour earlier in the year I thought I saw the worst movie ever. But lucky enough Planet of the Apes came out and bumped Pearl to #2. That was a bad movie. I cringed every time I heard an ape say a line for the original ( that a human said ). Nothing original, just more of the hollywood style movie.

I hope that they do not hollywood LOTR. I have high hopes for that movie. It better be good. No focus group endings. Follow the book.

I blame Lucas for all these cheeze ball endings.
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