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Old February 26th, 2005, 05:33 PM

Tuna Tuna is offline
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Default Re: Melee Power Rankings Chart

Oh and also fiends of darkness:

Fiends have little higher Prot, little higher Strenght and def, and for weapons two venomous claws. What they lose is one point of attack, the power of a trident and the ever-so-wonderful fatigue damage of barbed tail. This of course makes them better at handling rabble (initial expansion anyone?) but worse against real opponents. Their breakpoint is 21, but the real deal is that in battles they win they have less casualties than the devils, with 26 Fiends the average casualty rate is already below 1!

In a more common situation, against 50 LI, 8 Fiends already get a casualty rate below 1, and 9 get it below 0,5. They definately belong in the mictlan prime arsenal
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Old February 26th, 2005, 06:18 PM
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Default Re: Melee Power Rankings Chart

Huzurdaddi said:
Since the fight was against militia it seems that would break the militia quickly did well. That why units with fear auras did exceptionally well ( lesser horrors, wailing ladies ). The units with many low penetration attacks did well ( hello imps! ).
As Tuna said, everything fights everything else. And all the fights are to the death... no routing is allowed, so fear doesn't play a role in the sim like it would on the battlefield. Meaning, scary units are even better than shown here =)

I'm not really sure why the wailing lady did so well. It's kind of surprising... probably due to the combination of high defense, ethereality, 0 encumbrance, and instakill weapon that ignores protection and HP.


I'll probably add some more troop types, or just redo it with all of the troops (except supercombattants, who mess up the ratings). But it takes a long long time because the simulation length is propotional to the square of the number of unit types...
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