February 16th, 2005, 06:44 PM
Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Gifting ships bug, or am I just crazy?
Alneyan said:
If you are lucky, the messages will go through just fine, and the gifts will disappear in the middle of nowhere. You can accept a gift, and the other side can receive your message, without anything happening. If you are not so lucky, the message will plainly disappear, and you will be blamed by the other party for "not sending messages".
When you think about it thats more realistic.
You can give a man fire and he will be warm for a day but set him on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
A* Se+++ GdQ $? Fr! C* Css Sf-- Ai% Au M+++ Mp* S@ Ss++++ RNSHP Pw++ Fq+++ Nd++ Rp++ G++++ Mm++ Bb+++@ L+ Tcp--
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