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Old January 24th, 2005, 12:22 AM

Nightwolf Nightwolf is offline
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Default Re: hola busco gente

Rescato este topic m�s que nada para preguntar si hay gente viva por aqu� para ir meti�ndome en el juego. Acaba uno de empezar, y... bueno, es juego suficientemente complejo para tirarse una temporada larga con �l (�ojal�!) Bueno, un saludo, y perdon por el bump.

Sorry the bump, but i want to know if there are spanish people here! [img]/threads/images/graemlins/Smile.gif[/img]
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Old January 24th, 2005, 10:54 PM
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Default Re: hola busco gente

Nightwolf said:
Rescato este topic m�s que nada para preguntar si hay gente viva por aqu� para ir meti�ndome en el juego. Acaba uno de empezar, y... bueno, es juego suficientemente complejo para tirarse una temporada larga con �l (�ojal�!) Bueno, un saludo, y perdon por el bump.

Sorry the bump, but i want to know if there are spanish people here! <img src="/threads/images/graemlins/Smile.gif" alt="" />
Supongo que todos est�n vivos a�n... pero en el foro creo que solamente estoy yo.
Si tienes alguna consulta, no tengas problema y enviame un correo.
Igual, yo creo que tu ingl�s es bueno (jeje, yo no soy un especialista para juzgar!) y la gente aqu� siempre te va a responder.
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Old January 24th, 2005, 11:32 PM

Nightwolf Nightwolf is offline
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Default Re: hola busco gente

Bueno, en realidad ser�a interesante una especie de faq de iniciaci�n. Como un tutorial, pero que vaya explicando lo que se suele ir haciendo en el transcurso de una partida. No cosas tal que si tal torpedo i�nico usado contra tal escudo merma menos porcentaje... no. Simplemente para ir sabiendo usar como usar los robots estos para minar asteroides y cosas as�

Amos, que el tutorial se acaba y te deja todas las cosas a medias :
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Old January 25th, 2005, 01:10 AM
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Default Re: hola busco gente

Nightwolf said:
Bueno, en realidad ser�a interesante una especie de faq de iniciaci�n. Como un tutorial, pero que vaya explicando lo que se suele ir haciendo en el transcurso de una partida. No cosas tal que si tal torpedo i�nico usado contra tal escudo merma menos porcentaje... no. Simplemente para ir sabiendo usar como usar los robots estos para minar asteroides y cosas as�

Amos, que el tutorial se acaba y te deja todas las cosas a medias :
Bueno... no creo que pudiera conseguir el tiempo ni las ganas para hacer un tutorial! De hecho no existe tampoco en ingl�s algo 100% como un tutorial.
Mi consejo es consultar las "Frequent Asqued Questions For Newbies" y los "Gameplay Tips & Tricks".
Ambos t�picos est�n "Sticked" en el foro y por tanto puedes verlos f�cilmente. Creo que el primero de ellos te puede ayudar mucho y est� bastante organizado.
Pero ni loco voy a traducir esas p�ginas! jejejeje

Respecto a preguntas puntuales, no tengo problemas de contestarte la que quieras (por ejemplo, los robots para minar los asteroides son bast�nte in�tiles... de hecho, yo nunca los uso).

Algunos datos b�sicos: el mayor secreto del juego, es la expansi�n r�pida en el principio.
Para eso, es normal construir "colony ships" con el modo de emergencia (10 turnos = 10 colony ships), para que puedas construir 1 nave por turno, adem�s de el modo de emergencias tienes que haber armado tu archivo *.emp (la definici�n de tu raza) de forma que puedas tener la capacidad de construir m�s r�pido, por ejemplo con Hardly Industrialist y un % m�s en la construcci�n (15%-25%), dentro de las caracter�sticas de tu raza.
Tienes que colonizar planetas en otros sistemas, pero tambi�n colonizar algunos Cercanos y construir Shipyards (astilleros?) en ellos para que puedas seguir construyendo colony ships cuando tu "homeworld" empiece el ciclo de consturcci�n lenta.
Hay que investigar "minas" lo m�s r�pido posible: esto te permite defender tus colonias y darte tiempo de construir naves mejores.
Existen muchos "tips" y no tengo tiempo ni memoria para escribirlos aqu�!
Mejor dale una ojeada a los links que te dije y enviame consultas puntuales!
Para no saturar el foro, puedes escribirme a mi casilla de correo electr�nico (en Espa�a le dicen emilio, no?).
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Old January 25th, 2005, 07:02 AM
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Default Re: hola busco gente

Guess who was being too curious, and tried reading those posts? A few additions, but they will be in English since I couldn't speak proper Spanish if my life depended on it (I can read Spanish though):

- Remote miners can be very nice for a short-term boost in your economy. They also provide a safety income of minerals, in case you happen to be losing planets. The biggest problem is finding the places to mine: sectors with multiple planets can be nice, or you will have to wait for those asteroid systems. Of course, mining asteroids will weaken your economy in the long run, as you will want to transform them into planets.

- Never turn off Emergency Build when building those Colony Ships. It will go off on its own after the eleventh ship has been built, so it is almost a "free" turn of Emergency Build. If you do not want to go with high construction rates, you can also go with a retrofit, and build a first colony ship with fewer engines than the maximum. This design should be completed in a single turn with Emergency Build. Then retrofit it at your homeworld to add all the engines, and voil�!

You should have high enough construction to build colony ships in two turns at all your colonies though, which should require a 20% construction bonus or so.

Now, where did I put that "Spanish for the Dummies" handbook?
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Old January 25th, 2005, 09:54 AM

Nightwolf Nightwolf is offline
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Default Re: hola busco gente

Ok, thanks for the tips!! Seems that playing the Tutorial scenarie has some problems. Not every techlogies appear, so i need to start a new game. Maybe this is the problem.
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Old January 25th, 2005, 10:15 PM
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Master Belisarius Master Belisarius is offline
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Default Re: hola busco gente

Alneyan said:
Guess who was being too curious, and tried reading those posts? A few additions, but they will be in English since I couldn't speak proper Spanish if my life depended on it (I can read Spanish though):

- Remote miners can be very nice for a short-term boost in your economy. They also provide a safety income of minerals, in case you happen to be losing planets. The biggest problem is finding the places to mine: sectors with multiple planets can be nice, or you will have to wait for those asteroid systems. Of course, mining asteroids will weaken your economy in the long run, as you will want to transform them into planets.

- Never turn off Emergency Build when building those Colony Ships. It will go off on its own after the eleventh ship has been built, so it is almost a "free" turn of Emergency Build. If you do not want to go with high construction rates, you can also go with a retrofit, and build a first colony ship with fewer engines than the maximum. This design should be completed in a single turn with Emergency Build. Then retrofit it at your homeworld to add all the engines, and voil�!

You should have high enough construction to build colony ships in two turns at all your colonies though, which should require a 20% construction bonus or so.

Now, where did I put that "Spanish for the Dummies" handbook?
hehehehe, you can read spanish very well my friend!
More than 20 years ago, I have learned some French in the high school... Today, only can read but with some problems.

I agree with your observations about the colony ships, but never never would use Remote Mining again!
Too many micromanagement for nothing! (well, for a few more resources!!!). Seems to be that now I know why you defeated me in the KOTH! hehehehehe (j/k).
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