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Old June 23rd, 2001, 02:26 AM
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Default Re: Newbie Question on special tech (Organic, etc.)

Can two races with the same racial tech trade those special techs? I would think they could, but I've never had an opportunity to test it.

Cap'n Q

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the
human mind to correlate all of its contents. We live on a placid
island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was
not meant that we should go far. -- HP Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu"
Cap'n Q

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Old June 23rd, 2001, 02:46 AM
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Default Re: Newbie Question on special tech (Organic, etc.)

If you do not have a racial trait then your max tech level for the racial techs in Zero. Nothing more.

I once played as a race with ALL the racial techs. Had to go max negative on most other things to get under the 2000 racial point setting .
Basically, I traded ships and analysed all of the aliens tech. I got crystalline from the Phong, organic from the UkraTal, psychic from the CueCappa, and temporal from somebody else.
I only had to research religious on my own

Then I sold ships with Organic/Crystalline crossover tech armor for planets, more tech, money, protection, everything .

When I said protected, I meant protected, not private.
Most races will not be able to analyse your tech or repair it, only those few who have the racial trait can.
That still means most races cannot benefit from the capture of your tech.
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Old June 23rd, 2001, 05:30 AM

Dragonlord Dragonlord is offline
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Default Re: Newbie Question on special tech (Organic, etc.)

Let me just make sure I fully understand: even if you have the trait for Organic tech, you cannot get temporal or religious tech, right? You can only trade weapon levels and such with another Organic race. Or trade to get their advanced ships and analyse those.
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Old June 23rd, 2001, 02:31 PM
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Default Re: Newbie Question on special tech (Organic, etc.)

Yep! If your race dosen't have the racial trait, its like your tech level in the racial tech area is always reset to zero.

You can analyse the racial tech ship, (to get engines or hullsize etc), but you won't learn organic unless you paid for it.
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Old June 23rd, 2001, 05:53 PM
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Default Re: Newbie Question on special tech (Organic, etc.)

Originally posted by Dragonlord:
SJ, can you please clarify for me how I should read the table, and what the acronyms mean? (I can only figure out a few)

I'm not SJ, but...

APB = Anti-Proton Beam
DUC = Depleted-Uranium Cannon (Projectile Weapons
PM = Plasma Missile (Missiles, ca. 4-8 or something like that)

PC = Plasma Cannon
HPB = Heavy Plasma Beam, IIRC
ED = Electric Discharge
LR = Lightning Ray
SP = Seeker Parasite
AG = Acid Globule
EAG = Enveloping Acid Globule

(all from Organic Weapons, which goes up to level 10 IIRC w/ SPs early and EAGs late).
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Old June 23rd, 2001, 06:55 PM
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Default Re: Newbie Question on special tech (Organic, etc.)

From the Many (semi) newbie questions...advice requested thread.

Format is;
Weapon : Maxdamage - Mindamage (shield damage), damagetype, other details.

Damage Ratings are damage per turn per kT.
((Damage amount / reload rate) / size of weapon)
Okeydokey. Here are the damage Ratings for various weapons, at max tech.

APB XII: 2.1 - 1.5, normal
CSM V: 0.8, seeker
MB: 1.75, normal
AMT V: 0.625, normal
QT V: 1.25, normal
PM V: 1.0 - 0.27, seeker
PDC V: 3.25, pointdefence, +70%
PPB V: 2.0 - 1.67, phased
RB IV: 2.5, normal
IB III: 0.9, normal, +10%
WMG III: 0.67, normal, +30%
TPC V: 0.375 - 0.188, Weapons only
ID V: 1.3, engines only
IPM V: 0.625, engines only, seeker
PN V: 15.0, planets only
NB V: 5.0, planet population only
GHB V: 1.21 - 0.33, normal
SD V: 7.5, shields only
DUC V: 1.33, normal
PC V: 1.33 - 1.0, normal, organic
HPB V: 1.67 - 1.0, normal, organic
ED III: 1.5 - 0.5, normal, organic
LR III: 2.0 - 0.5, normal, organic
SP V: 1.0, seeker, organic
AG V: 0.56, normal, organic
EAG V: 1.25, normal, organic
SC X: 1.17, skip armor, crystalline
HEM III: 0.917, normal, crystalline
TDB V: 1.0 (4.0), quad2shields, temporal
TS III: 0.33, skips all, temporal
TKP V: 1.75, normal, psychic
CW III: 6.0, warhead
MSD: 10.0, one shot, RuinsTech
MID: 5.0, one shot, RuinsTech
NSP: 0.4, skips all
CT V: 0.45, ships armor, seeker
SA V: 9.0, shields only, temporal
TC III: 1.2, normal, temporal, +10%
MSG III: 0.68, normal, psychic, +20%

Acronyms expanded in order:

Anti-proton Beam, Capital Ship Missile, Meson BLaster, Antimatter Torpedo, Quantum Torpedo, Plasma Missile, PointDefence Cannon, Phased Polaron Beam, Ripper Beam, Incinerator Beam, Wave Motion Gun, Tachyon Projection Cannon, Ionic Disperser, Ionic pulse missile, Planetary Napalm, Neutron bomb, Graviton Hellbore, Shield Depleter, Depleted Uranium Cannon, Plasma charge, Hyperplasma bolt, Electric Discharge, Lightning gun, Seeking Parasite, Acid Globule, Enveloping Acid Globule, Shard Cannon, High Energy Magnifier, Time Distortion Burst, Temporal shifter, Telekinetic projector, Cobalt Warhead, Massive Shield depleter/Ionic disperser, Null-spaceProjector, Crystalline torpedo,Shield Accelerator ,Tachyon Cannon ,MentalSingularityGenerator

-Suicide Junkie

[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 23 June 2001).]
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