Coming soon:
Enhanced STNG Federation Ship set. It will have new Top Down ship images for many ships, along with a new race portrait.
Dominion - New Weapons Platforms that look approprait and a new Base Ship Image
The Breen - Nearing completion on them as I type this.
TOS Modified - Some new ship images.
Klingons - I am going to replace all the Klingon Fighters with new ones. They actually look like fighters.
8472 - DONE, and in the downloads section now.
Up dated web site for New Age Ship Yards -DONE Click the link below my signature to go there and see the modification to the Klingon and Fed (TOS) races.
"We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats! They invade our space and we fall back -- they assimilate entire worlds and we fall back! Not again! The line must be drawn here -- this far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they've done!" -- Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard
New Age Ship Yards
[This message has been edited by Atrocities (edited 15 June 2001).]