*bows with a flourish*
Yes, ladoes and gentlemen, the long and anxiously waited Faerun map update is finally here, bigger (well, not really), better (definitely) and more beautiful than before, and there is twice the goodness of the original to boot!
First, an improved new Version for the original Faerun map that includes the following features:
- Black starburst markers to denote province locations
- Reduced brightness that makes the neighbor filter arrows clearly visible
- Partial starting location reshuffle for better and more balanced gameplay
- Improvements in the map file (no shutting Horus-Ra or the other indies into the fortresses for easy free income anymore, now you need to smack them down to gain the provinces)
- Several different map files: The basic one you already know, a quickstart one (everyone gets 4 provinces to begin with) and a nospec one where there are no special provinces.
Second, a brand new Faerun map with the following features:
- Smaller - only 322 provinces
- Black starbursts to mark province locations
- Same comfortable brightness level as the above map
- Basic, quickstart and nospec map files
The files can be found here. They are titled Faerun_large.rar and Faerun_small.rar and the file names inside the packets predicatbly match this to differentiate the different maps.
For those of you who have Faerun games going on right now, just make another copy of the Faerun_large.tga and rename it Faerun.tga and your old games will suddenly experience a dramatic visual improvement, while new games should use the new filenames.
To my regret, I am at this point unable to announce a Dragonlance map, because it still lacks map file customisation and barring miraculous inspiration, remains depressingly small, at less than 200 provinces. Nonetheless, it is under construction, but that will take a good while yet.
As always, feedback is more than welcome, and anybody who wants to host these maps is free to do so as long as I'm credited as their maker.
Arryn? Illwinter?