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Old June 16th, 2004, 04:12 PM
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Default how to bloodhunt easiest ?

i am very new to dominions

so far i really like blood hunting . at the moment i play abysia standard .
i read cherries good guide and i think it is still almost the same for blood hunting in 2.12 although it is for 2.08.
at the moment i hunt this way : 2 demonbred without dousing rod in every 5-8k pop province or tax 100% unrest 0 < 20 income province .
at the moment i have set it up for 10 such provinces and get around 100-150 blood / turn .
i have a lab in every such province .
so the only thing i have to do each turn is go once to lab and click pool because with this setting the unrest keeps between 0-50 without patrolling .
perhaps i should give each of my demonbreds a sdr. but at the moment 80% of my demonbreds find slaves / turn in average .
if i would give them sdrs i think they would find 100% but so increase my unrest and i would have to patrol and so do more micromanagement .

is this setting for lazy people like me quite ok or what would you suggest ?
and if you have a link to a still actual and good blood hunt discussion plz post it for me
i am searching for a formula too
in a dominion 1 faq i found that for less than 5k population the probability for finding slaves is current pop / 5000 % .
in addition blood level influences it and with blood over 3 there is 100% .
3rd factor listed there was unrest .

is it under the current patch still true that you can get maximum 110 slaves / province like listed in cherrys blood slave gathering data ?
and if you patrol then to decrease unrest you kill 10 pop for each point unrest reduced by patrolling right ?
so if you do massive blood hunting in one province you kill 500-1000 pop / turn right ?
so assuming you hunt in a 10k province you have to move every 10-15 turns because the province has left under 5k pop which makes hunting harder .

and Last question
in the summon reference stands e.g. at infernal forces : +1 devil / path
is this only for blood path or do i get an additional devil for each level of fire over fire 2 too ?
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Old June 16th, 2004, 04:21 PM

Scott Hebert Scott Hebert is offline
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Default Re: how to bloodhunt easiest ?

Originally posted by Boron:
i am very new to dominions

~snip Bloodhunt detail~

is this setting for lazy people like me quite ok or what would you suggest ?
It certainly seems to me like it's working for you well right now, if you're getting that many blood slaves a turn.

and if you have a link to a still actual and good blood hunt discussion plz post it for me
I believe if you do a search for "blood hunt", you should find several threads discussing it. I know that in at least one of those threads they discuss the formula regarding it.

is it under the current patch still true that you can get maximum 110 slaves / province like listed in cherrys blood slave gathering data ?
and if you patrol then to decrease unrest you kill 10 pop for each point unrest reduced by patrolling right ?
so if you do massive blood hunting in one province you kill 500-1000 pop / turn right ?
so assuming you hunt in a 10k province you have to move every 10-15 turns because the province has left under 5k pop which makes hunting harder .
I'm not sure about this.

and Last question
in the summon reference stands e.g. at infernal forces : +1 devil / path
is this only for blood path or do i get an additional devil for each level of fire over fire 2 too ?
Per the SCQR that Zen made, I believe it is only for the primary path (that is, the path with the cost... for all Blood spells, that would be Blood).

Hope this helps.
Scott Hebert
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Old June 16th, 2004, 04:24 PM
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Default Re: how to bloodhunt easiest ?

some other things i want to ask but not start a new topic

- are there any other dominion maps and where can i download them ?
- i played quite a bit the dominions 1 demo before i got dominions 2
there i could give to all my troops the bo`s :
-attack enemy magic user
-attack enemy commander
are they left out in dominions 2 or is my Version buggy ? cause i liked this bo`s

-i didn't already play ermor but do you still get infinite undead summons with the reanimate orders of priests ? or aren't any new ones summoned when a province has no unburied corpses left ? the manual is a bit unclear there to my opinion.
-is there a limit to maximum magic path skill or is it theoretically endless and the only limit are too high empowerment costs ?
- for dominions 1 i found a wish wishlist .
is it still correct for dominions 2 or where is a correct one for dominions 2 then ?
and if it is still as powerful as in dominions 1 :
for dominions 1 there was a small mod which prohibited wish
is there one for dominions 2 2.12 too ?
thnx for your answers
i have dominions now since 4 days and so far i think it is the greatest strategy game i ever played
only impression so far is that blood is a bit too strong .
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Old June 16th, 2004, 04:51 PM

Scott Hebert Scott Hebert is offline
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Default Re: how to bloodhunt easiest ?

Originally posted by Boron:

- are there any other dominion maps and where can i download them ?
I believe Gandalf's site www.dom2minions.com would be the best place to get maps.

- i played quite a bit the dominions 1 demo before i got dominions 2
there i could give to all my troops the bo`s :
-attack enemy magic user
-attack enemy commander
are they left out in dominions 2 or is my Version buggy ? cause i liked this bo`s
I don't know why, but I know those orders are not in Dominions II.

-i didn't already play ermor but do you still get infinite undead summons with the reanimate orders of priests ? or aren't any new ones summoned when a province has no unburied corpses left ? the manual is a bit unclear there to my opinion.
I believe it depends on what you reanimate, as follows:

Ghouls - Unholy 1 Required - Reduces population
Soulless - Unholy 2 Required - Reduces corpses in province (when you hit 0, I don't think you'll get anything)
Longdead - Unholy 3 Required - No 'fuel'.

IME, you can reanimate Longdead indefinitely.

-is there a limit to maximum magic path skill or is it theoretically endless and the only limit are too high empowerment costs ?
I know that 10 is not the upper limit. I don't know if there's an upper limit.

- for dominions 1 i found a wish wishlist .
is it still correct for dominions 2 or where is a correct one for dominions 2 then ?
and if it is still as powerful as in dominions 1 :
for dominions 1 there was a small mod which prohibited wish
is there one for dominions 2 2.12 too ?
thnx for your answers
I know that there is a Nowish mod on Illwinter's site, www.illwinter.com, and if the Dom1 wishlist isn't correct, there should be a thread or something around here that gives the possible wish abilities.

only impression so far is that blood is a bit too strong .
I think most people's impressions is that Astral magic is too strong.
Scott Hebert
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Old June 16th, 2004, 05:15 PM
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Default Re: how to bloodhunt easiest ?

Originally posted by Boron:
some other things i want to ask but not start a new topic

- are there any other dominion maps and where can i download them ?
There are quite a few maps that didn't come with the installation. Mostly player-made. Check www.illwinter.com , the developers' web site. Kingdom of Karan by Targa is really nice. Remember that the .tga -files are large and the maps can be 20 megs...

- i played quite a bit the dominions 1 demo before i got dominions 2
there i could give to all my troops the b(attle) o(rders) :
-attack enemy magic user
-attack enemy commander
are they left out in dominions 2 or is my Version buggy ? cause i liked this bo`s
They were left out, as they were unbalancing. You can now Attack Rear, instead. It is nice for flanking maneuvers with non-fliers, which were almost impossible in Dom:PPP (1). Fliers might "get intercepted", that is, not attack the rear but the backside of the closest block.

You can not Fire Rear.

-i didn't already play ermor but do you still get infinite undead summons with the reanimate orders of priests ? or aren't any new ones summoned when a province has no unburied corpses left ? the manual is a bit unclear there to my opinion.
I think they can summon something even without bodies, but am not sure. Still have only demo...


-is there a limit to maximum magic path skill or is it theoretically endless and the only limit are too high empowerment costs ?
Propably. The number of bits reserved for the nuymber in the memory of a computer... It can get into tens without doubt, but getting it over 100 might cause some problems... I remember I changed the .map file in Dom:PPP to get a Cyclops with every magic at 19... That seemed the maximum that could be modded, but it was increaseable by empowerment and items.


- for dominions 1 i found a wish wishlist .
is it still correct for dominions 2 or where is a correct one for dominions 2 then ?
and if it is still as powerful as in dominions 1 :
for dominions 1 there was a small mod which prohibited wish
is there one for dominions 2 2.12 too ?
thnx for your answers
There might be new things you can Wish for, but all the old ones should be there. Also, that mod propably IS for DomII, as Dom:PPP wasn't moddable... Or atleast, even though the units could be modded only few fans did anything.


i have dominions now since 4 days and so far i think it is the greatest strategy game i ever played
only impression so far is that blood is a bit too strong .
heh, I think I'm going to get my copy too, after a wait of 6 months...
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Old June 16th, 2004, 05:29 PM
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Default Re: how to bloodhunt easiest ?

thnx Scott Hebert for the quick and good responses
why is astral magic so strong ? i haven't played much astral magic until now the 4 days are just too short if you play the large map to experiment much
in the lower leves at least it has not much creature spells and i remember some threads were people said especially death and to a lesser degree blood is too strong

an addition to my bloodquestions :
is there still the limit of 110 maximum blood / province ?
sooner or later i test it myself but i just thought :
if you take growth 3 after 50 turns you should have 40000k pop in your capitol if nothing bad happened. with this you get a 240 pop/turn increase which equals 24 unrest if i remember correct 10 killed ppl / unrest .
so if there would be no blood limit / province perhaps the average growth in population almost equals the poploss through unrestfighting or is at least slow enough that you can hunt for 100 turns after which most probably your game is finished ?
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Old June 16th, 2004, 05:43 PM

Scott Hebert Scott Hebert is offline
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Default Re: how to bloodhunt easiest ?

Originally posted by Boron:
thnx Scott Hebert for the quick and good responses
Quick, I'll grant you. Don't know about good...

why is astral magic so strong ? i haven't played much astral magic until now the 4 days are just too short if you play the large map to experiment much
in the lower leves at least it has not much creature spells and i remember some threads were people said especially death and to a lesser degree blood is too strong
Astral magic is considered very strong for several reasons. Some (Wish) deal with the excellent (Wish) buffing spells it gets. It also (Wish) receives the only real metamagic (Wish) spells. Finally, it gets several (Wish) decent-to-good combat spells. As Zen I believe said, it's 2nd in everything, and that comes out to 1st.

When people say "Death magic is too strong", or "Blood magic is too strong", generally they're looking at the Summons you can get from them. Summons are a piece, but they're not the pie.

As for myself, I think that Nature magic is the only type of magic you can't live without.

an addition to my bloodquestions :
is there still the limit of 110 maximum blood / province ?
I have no clue.

sooner or later i test it myself but i just thought :
if you take growth 3 after 50 turns you should have 40000k pop in your capitol if nothing bad happened. with this you get a 240 pop/turn increase which equals 24 unrest if i remember correct 10 killed ppl / unrest .
so if there would be no blood limit / province perhaps the average growth in population almost equals the poploss through unrestfighting or is at least slow enough that you can hunt for 100 turns after which most probably your game is finished ?
Something that I have noticed is that, if you have Growth-3, you're not really going to notice any drop in population from bloodhunting or the accompanying patrolling. That's about all I can tell you about that.
Scott Hebert
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