March 13th, 2004, 02:43 AM
Join Date: Sep 2003
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Re: Super-Casting Pretenders?
Originally posted by archaeolept:
well, that's the problem w/ not taking air
try nixing the death, reducing to nature 1 (for eagle eyes), taking one point of heat (though you certainly do pay for it in economic penalties, however the Naga gets penalties in any cold, so the heat at least acts as a ward...), and using the resultant points for the eminently useful Air4
Both nature and death are important for Ulm. Their summons add more diversity to their limited magic. The current configuration, IMHO, give a more balanced Ulm. Oh... also, death and fire together give you the flaming skull, which can increase the Fire level of your Master Smith by one.
Air is quite important for warding against lightning... but if it's just for adding two or three pecision, it doesn't worth it.
[ March 13, 2004, 00:44: Message edited by: ywl ]