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Old March 3rd, 2004, 09:28 AM

Aikamun Aikamun is offline
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Default Re: Annoying death magic

If they are occupying the opponent's mages and priests, they are doing their job as mana / action points / fatigue fodder. Nice to distract some attention from better banishable summons.

Using fatigue is a valid tactic. If spells can increase encumbrance and melee fatigue lowers defense and protection, how is it an exploit? Sounds like a very smart weapon in one's arsenal, especially for the Brandenburg Guard.


[ March 03, 2004, 07:55: Message edited by: Aikamun ]
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Old March 4th, 2004, 01:00 AM

customer717 customer717 is offline
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Default Re: Annoying death magic

Originally posted by SurvivalistMerc:
Orders to not do certain things might indeed require immense micromanagement of magi.

But I don't mind that. Especially since hopefully ctrl-# would copy everything about the mage including "don't do X" orders.

I have seen the "host" phase Messages that seem to talk about the cntrl # and shift something stuff. However the turn generation goes by to fast to read it. Could someone please explain this feature as the manual does not cover it?

I have been wanting to ask about it but the anti new post backlash is pretty strong here and my search button does not seem as magical as others'. So, since you mentioned it...
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Old March 4th, 2004, 01:09 AM
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Default Re: Annoying death magic

Originally posted by customer717:
I have seen the "host" phase Messages that seem to talk about the cntrl # and shift something stuff. However the turn generation goes by to fast to read it. Could someone please explain this feature as the manual does not cover it?

I have been wanting to ask about it but the anti new post backlash is pretty strong here and my search button does not seem as magical as others'. So, since you mentioned it...
This is the thread that search turns up.

EDIT: what is meant by "#" in the above thread is one of the number keys on the top row of the keyboard. That is, CTRL-1, CTRL-2, etc.

[ March 03, 2004, 23:16: Message edited by: Arryn ]
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