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Old January 11th, 2004, 04:48 AM

Moebius Moebius is offline
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Default Re: auto-save feature ? (within dom2 or external program)

I have my own save game method where I don't need JDK. I use DOS batch files. (For those of you using some Version of Microsoft Windows)

What this basically does for me is either save or restore a game based on clicking on an icon. Nothing more too it.

For those of you unfamiliar in batch files, do the following:

1) Right-click on your desktop and choose New/text document. It will be named "New Text Document.text". Leave the name alone for now

2) Open up the document and type in the following line:

copy c:\(dom2 filepath)\(save game folder)\*.* c:\(dom2 filepath)\(save game folder)\Backup.

For example, my Dominions2 is located on C:\dominions2 and my save game is called Genesis, so my line would be "copy c:\dominions2\Genesis\*.* c:\dominions2\Genesis\Backup"

3) Manually create the Backup folder under the save game folder.

4) Rename the shortcut to something like "Dom2 Backup.bat". Ensure the extension is .bat.

5) Now whenever I double-click on this icon, all my save game files are copied to a backup folder.
To restore? Same procedure, create a "Dom2 backup.bat" as above but switch the paths around, so in my case it would be, "copy c:\dominions2\Genesis\Backup\*.* c:\dominions2\Genesis"

To make things even easier, I can create shortcuts and place them on my Quick Launch bar. So now when I want to create a backup of my game or restore it, it only takes my clicking an icon either on my desktop or my Quick Launch on my task bar.

Notes: I keep all my SP games with the same name, so that I don't have to edit the batch files with the new save game name

I also found out that if you save the game in this manner after you hit the "End Turn" but before you hit "Host", the save game will include
all you have done to the turn up to that point; otherwise it reverts back to the beginning of the turn.

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Old January 13th, 2004, 11:24 AM

mercurycs mercurycs is offline
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Default Re: auto-save feature ? (within dom2 or external program)

Having trouble with batch files,
ok, my batch file looks like this(all on one line)

copy C:\Program Files\dominions2\virtue\*.* C:\Program Files\dominions2\virtue\bak

I get a "too many parameters" error. I believe it is because dos is reading the space between "program" and "files" and it is messing it all up. How do you put in a directory that has a space in it without dos thinking it is a new command? or maybe something else is wrong with my batch file????
You know, don't use dos for hmmmmmmm...8 or 9 years and you even forget the basics.
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Old January 13th, 2004, 11:34 AM

General Tacticus General Tacticus is offline
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Default Re: auto-save feature ? (within dom2 or external program)

Originally posted by mercurycs:
Having trouble with batch files,
ok, my batch file looks like this(all on one line)

copy C:\Program Files\dominions2\virtue\*.* C:\Program Files\dominions2\virtue\bak

I get a "too many parameters" error. I believe it is because dos is reading the space between "program" and "files" and it is messing it all up. How do you put in a directory that has a space in it without dos thinking it is a new command? or maybe something else is wrong with my batch file????
You know, don't use dos for hmmmmmmm...8 or 9 years and you even forget the basics.
Put "" around your names :

copy "C:\Program Files\dominions2\virtue\*.*" "C:\Program Files\dominions2\virtue\bak\"

this should work. I also added a \ at the end, to make sure copy doesn't bundle all your files into one file named bak, but puts them in a subfolder named bak.

Another solution would be to put your batch file in your virtue subfolder, and just do :
copy *.* bak\
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Old January 13th, 2004, 11:49 AM

mercurycs mercurycs is offline
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Default Re: auto-save feature ? (within dom2 or external program)

thanks general tacticus, the quotes worked but every time i try it with the added backslash after bak i get an invalid directory error. it works without it though.
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