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Old November 4th, 2003, 10:10 AM

Mortifer Mortifer is offline
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Default Re: Supercombattant pretenders....what about...

Originally posted by Nagot Gick Fel:
Originally posted by Mortifer:
Originally posted by Nagot Gick Fel:
JO already said JK felt rather reluctant to do further work on the AI, and you keep on pestering him to answer to your AI worries.
Where did you read about this? I am kinda shocked by this statement.
Actually that was KO, not JO, and he wrote:

I think the major problem with diplo AI is that I don't know anything about AI coding and JK is bored by it (he made the AI so he should know).
That was in the "What did I missed from Dom I.? -> DIPLOMACY!" thread, page #5.

Also what is your point at all? I don't understad you. We all know that you are a multiplayer, and no one cares about this. No one was whining about that.
Simple: there are still many bugs and balance issues in the game that need to be solved, these affect both SP and MP play, and should be solved first. Improving the AI will certainly require more much time than the bug/balance fixes and will mainly benefit to the SP players. How is it so difficult to understand?

You are constantly flaming the people, who trying to make suggestions about the strategic AI.
I apologize to anyone who got the impression I flamed him, as that wasn't my intent. BTW, I spent 30 minutes to locate the post by KO that I quoted above, so please return the favor and point the threads where I did flame these persons. I doubt you'll find any, bar this one, to support your "constantly" claim. Also note the order of events in this very thread that led to the present discussion:

Someone: it's so easy to abuse the AI with an SC pretender in SP, fix this asap.

Me: it's not that important, there are workarounds to this:
(1) if you don't want to abuse the AI, just don't abuse the AI - IOW, don't field a SC pretender.
(2) edit the map files to improve the AI starting position.
(Note: no flames)

Someone: Improving the AI is VERY important. Nagot you're selfish. Angry smileys.
(Note: no argument. First flame)

Me: but there are workarounds! Try them out.
(Note: still no flames from me)

Someone: Nagot you're wrong. AI is very important regardless of your suggestion. You're living in the past.
(Note: More flames)

Me: replying (with arguments) in the same sarcastic tone (past -> future), so flame for flame. But note I wrote "I truly hope IW will prove me wrong".

So, who's to blame for the flames?

I think that at least 60% of the players would be lot happier with a better strategical AI.
I sure would. I'd love to see a really good AI. But again, I think there are higher priorities. I explained the why and the how.

I haven't seen a constructive post from you about the strategical AI,
You're kidding, right? I explained how to script the map files to provide easy workarounds to a deficient AI, and these workarounds are available NOW! The AI doesn't equip his pretender? Script. He doesn't build havy troops? Script. He always pick a crappy dominion? Script. He doesn't build fortresses? Script. Has anyone ever given a more constructive contribution that that? Than something that works NOW, as opposed to an improved AI that we may probably not see in a foreseeable future? I doubt it.

Noi hard feelings dude, I just had a feeling that you absolutely don't care about the AI, because you are favorizing the MP. If I wasn't right about this, than I apologize.

I think it is crystal clear that the AI is a very important thing in Dominions II. The playerbase is lot bigger than in Doms I., we will have heaps of SP fans, thus the AI must be good.

Sure bug fixing and balancing is hella important, who said that it is not? Just don't forget that the AI is on the top of the list, as someone has said.

[ November 04, 2003, 08:11: Message edited by: Mortifer ]
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Old November 4th, 2003, 03:53 PM
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Default Re: Supercombattant pretenders....what about...

Originally posted by LordArioch:
Bugs and balance should certainly be top priority, and balance may even help AI. Including an AI in a MP game wouldn't be very fun. AI's and human players should not be mixed...it becomes a game of abusing the AI to get advantage.
No game as complex as dominions is going to have an AI with no weaknesses, and putting one in MP is just asking people to beat it up for its riches.
I fully agree with you, I would even say no game is going to have a perfect AI impossible to beat without any kind of chat anytime soon. Complex video games that is. (Chess and other games having good enough AIs)

As a side note, if I were cynical, I would say most games mainly played in SP are not featuring state of the art AIs. Still, I hope it will NOT be the same with Dominions, and even now I tend to believe the AI is above average, when you look at that average. So I am feeling confident about the future of this AI.

[ November 04, 2003, 13:54: Message edited by: Alneyan ]
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