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Old May 7th, 2003, 08:28 AM

DarkStar DarkStar is offline
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Default Another Patch? If So, Some Ideas. MM Please Read

- Spell book that scroll spells would go into. They take up quite a bit of room in the inventory, if not like scrolls should stack in the inventory

- Clicking on the mini-map would allow you to 'look' at the dungeon there. This would be useful for finding exits, items, and unopened chests. It would only work where you have already explored. Basically showing the selected area as if the character walked there - maybe it's a spell or costs gold to use?

- Stacking potions. By this I mean if one is +50 Health, and you put another on it that was +50 Health it would make one +100 health. Like the scrolls, potions take up alot of space in the inventory. If not then like potions should stack in the inventory

- A spell that would convert items to gold (maybe for less then the shop would give you) going back to town all the time isn't so fun

- Button on Hi-Score screen to clear the Hi-Scores and reset them

- A spell to teleport to town from anywhere - like Diablo - again going back to town isn't fun all the time - maybe you lose gold if you use it?

- Might happen now - but shops should have items that increase in power relative to your gold and or character level. I have sooo much gold and can't find anything to spend it on

- More inventory slots - inventory space still seems limited - stacking ideas above would help

- Clearer indication of stairs, teleports, walls, and doors. On some maps you can't tell what is a dead end and what isn't. Also hard to find the exits. Might not need if 'look around' feature is put in from above.

- Toogle on automap to show walls, items, open chest, close cheats, stairs etc. For example I could select walls, and closed chests. This would show me all the closed chests in the level with the walls. Might not need if 'look around' feature is put in from above.

- Ability to flash pixels on the automap not just the player. Could be used to show quest items, unopened chests, a location the player needs to get to because of a quest, etc.

- Rollover tool tips for all the icons and stats

Feedback on any of these ideas?

[ May 07, 2003, 07:51: Message edited by: DarkStar ]
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Old May 8th, 2003, 01:51 AM
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Default Re: Another Patch? If So, Some Ideas. MM Please Read

Originally posted by DarkStar:
- Stacking potions. By this I mean if one is +50 Health, and you put another on it that was +50 Health it would make one +100 health. Like the scrolls, potions take up alot of space in the inventory. If not then like potions should stack in the inventory.
And when you would drink a potion, would only drink the part you need, unstead of drinking a potion with hight hp and loosing a part of the potion. Just like in dungeon siege. Potion should more rare on deep dungeon level.

I like the stransmute spell from dungeon siege, dungeon odyssey certainly needs it (but with an other name of course). A town portal scroll or spell wich cost gold to do the same is a very good idea.

I hope Aaron reads this , if not, you should send him an email with your suggestions.

[ May 07, 2003, 12:54: Message edited by: Akachaki ]
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Old May 8th, 2003, 08:47 PM
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Default Re: Another Patch? If So, Some Ideas. MM Please Read

Originally posted by DarkStar:
- Spell book that scroll spells would go into. They take up quite a bit of room in the inventory, if not like scrolls should stack in the inventory

- More inventory slots - inventory space still seems limited - stacking ideas above would help

I don't think more inventory slots are needed, right now the number of objects a character can carry already seems to be limited more by the total weight than by available slots. (unless you want to walk around encumbered). It might also be a good thing that you can't carry around everything you find, there's really no need to carry that low value ultra heavy armor around for that few extra gold pieces. the transmute spell is a nice idea though.

Maybe items to store scrolls or other items (magic bags etc) would be a nice adition but they should come at a high price, something to spend money on)

Originally posted by DarkStar:
- Clicking on the mini-map would allow you to 'look' at the dungeon there. This would be useful for finding exits, items, and unopened chests. It would only work where you have already explored. Basically showing the selected area as if the character walked there - maybe it's a spell or costs gold to use?
maybe the scroll around option could be activated while the game is paused.

Originally posted by DarkStar:
- A spell to teleport to town from anywhere - like Diablo - again going back to town isn't fun all the time - maybe you lose gold if you use it?
good idea.
Originally posted by DarkStar:
- Clearer indication of stairs, teleports, walls, and doors. On some maps you can't tell what is a dead end and what isn't. Also hard to find the exits. Might not need if 'look around' feature is put in from above.

- Toogle on automap to show walls, items, open chest, close cheats, stairs etc. For example I could select walls, and closed chests. This would show me all the closed chests in the level with the walls. Might not need if 'look around' feature is put in from above.

Feedback on any of these ideas?
The first can be done by modding the xxx_terrain.txt files. the second is very hard to implement because all available mods would likely have to be changed to apply the new feature.
Dungeon odyssey modules:

Christmas module v1.05 (attached to first post)

Xerathul's Revenge v0.5
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Old May 8th, 2003, 08:57 PM
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Default Re: Another Patch? If So, Some Ideas. MM Please Read

Other things that would be nice:

-The ability to give descriptions to other items than signs, and maybe to activate the discription on right-clicking. That way you could make letters and books, and other readable items that could contain important information. (my favourite suggestion)

-some of the abbilities in the xxxx_terrain.txt files aren't working, but would be really nice if implemented: animation and damage. with these two combined some really nice things could be done (traps that are "open" for a part of their animation sequence, and "safe" for other frames)

-some of the scroll menus aren't working. (menu for loading tiles in the tilegenerator, quest menu etc)
Dungeon odyssey modules:

Christmas module v1.05 (attached to first post)

Xerathul's Revenge v0.5
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Old May 9th, 2003, 03:51 AM

bearclaw bearclaw is offline
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Default Re: Another Patch? If So, Some Ideas. MM Please Read

Originally posted by henk brouwer:
Other things that would be nice:

-The ability to give descriptions to other items than signs, and maybe to activate the discription on right-clicking. That way you could make letters and books, and other readable items that could contain important information. (my favourite suggestion)

-some of the abbilities in the xxxx_terrain.txt files aren't working, but would be really nice if implemented: animation and damage. with these two combined some really nice things could be done (traps that are "open" for a part of their animation sequence, and "safe" for other frames)

-some of the scroll menus aren't working. (menu for loading tiles in the tilegenerator, quest menu etc)
I'm all for these ideas. They get my vote. I'm getting the hang of creating mods and I've got Gads of ideas that can't quite implemented,yet.
Nick (bearclaw)
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Old June 3rd, 2003, 12:24 AM
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Default Re: Another Patch? If So, Some Ideas. MM Please Read

i only have the demo, but the items are increasiong in value in the shops for me.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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