PBC II is a SE4 roleplaying community where many players control one empire in a Space Empires 4 game. This is extremely fun. You don't have to be good at roleplaying or Space Empires 4 to join.
The Imperial Saul House is looking for new members.
All you need to do to join is sign up on the forums.
Then Click on the "Recruitment Office" and then click on the thread "Saul House wants you"
Then post your what posistion you want science, military or government and your email address and an instant messanger screenname.
Edit: BTW I am the leader of the Saul House, just so theres no confusion.
[ June 06, 2004, 03:06: Message edited by: Combat Wombat ]
You can give a man fire and he will be warm for a day but set him on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
A* Se+++ GdQ $? Fr! C* Css Sf-- Ai% Au M+++ Mp* S@ Ss++++ RNSHP Pw++ Fq+++ Nd++ Rp++ G++++ Mm++ Bb+++@ L+ Tcp--
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