For the duration of the PBW outage, I continue running the games that I am owner for. You can access the games via the PBW backup site, which is at the same address as PBW.
Click on the games button on the left, find your game in the list and click it's name. This will take you to a page when you can get the current game files and upload your .plr file. It will also show you who has uploaded for the current turn.
If you see that you are the Last player to upload, click the link to send the game owner an email and let me know. I will process the turn and email everyone that there is a new turn ready.
If you have any questions let me know.
These are the games I am running:
2003 PBW Open Tournament, rd1gm1
2003 PBW Open Tournament, rd1gm6
Attack of the Ankle-Biters
History of the Galaxy Part II
K.O.T.H. Asmala vs Gecko
Large game, min start
SE4 Ratings Game IV
"Survivor II" tournament, Round 7
You will see other games listed. If you have questions about them, contact their games owner. If you have another game you'd like to see listed, contact your game owner. If you are a game owner and would like your game listed, let me know.