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Old June 6th, 2003, 04:53 PM

civ2buf civ2buf is offline
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Default Dragonrealms Mod

My favorite game other than Space Empires, is Dragonrealms, and I've decided to try to put some of the decisions of that game in a mod.

In the mod, you will be playing as a province from the perspective of the Provincial Prince. I want to allow some of the team work and combined strategy between units of different guilds that you don't always see in Dragonrealms itself.

But I want to follow similar rules as to power, that exist in DR. I'm going to add a few components that have only been handled by armies and not by players in DR. (Heavy Siege Weapons)

Tech levels will be few and far between. Research is helpful, but it wont Last that long, as I want most of the action to be battles, not research.

All the guild components which indicate what guild a Person class "ship" is from, are from the racial tech, "Guilds". The tech to gain the guilds is inexpensive, as they should be quickly available, and they are the major part of strategy.

Monster Guild components are available with the racial tech "Bloodlust". In DR bloodlust is a feature that used to allow you to control a creature. It has been discontinued in that game. All monster provinces will be using bloodlust and not guilds.

Weapon components:

Forge Power
Ranged Weaponry

Forge Power gives Short Sword (1), Scimitar (2), Broadsword (3), Cudgel (4), Two-hand Sword (4), Hammer (5), Pike (5), Ball and Chain (6), Halberd (6), War Mattock (7), Throwing Dagger (7), Throwing Spear (8), Hrrata (9), Spear Launcher (10), Expert Scimitar (10), Expert Broadsword (11), Expert Bastard Sword (12), Mirror Blade (13)

The Throwing weapons, and the spear launcher, and Hrrata allow fire at range 3. The Halberd and Pike have range 2 (polearms). The rest are melee (range 1). The later weapons on this list are expensive, representing the fact that they are rare in DR (the expert weapons, are the forged product of the best player forgers in DR). The Mirror Blade is incredibly powerful and expensive.

Ranged Weaponry: (all range 3, unless noted). Staff Sling(1), Heavy Crossbow (1), Sling (2), Light Crossbow (2), Composite Bow (3), Short Bow (4), Longbow (5), Fletched Short Bow (6), Fletched Longbow (7), Arbalest (8), Mangonel (9): range 4, Siege Weapon (10): range 4

Ranged Weaponry has a large advantage in tactical mode, I might give certain guild components an extra speed boost. I think perhaps a way to research the charge from pole ability used in Dr for this purpose would be good. Also stun abilities are used in DR to halt ranged Users for a moment. Ranged vs Melee vs PoleArm is the most delicate balance. I want them to be important and needed.

Other technologies:

Armor: Robe (1), Jerkin (2), Heavy Coat (3), Full Leather Set(4), Chain Shirt (5), Full Chain Set (6), Visored Helm (7), Metal Breastplate (8), Full Plate Set (9)

Guild Components:
(All level 1, Guilds)

Empath, War Mage, Moon Mage, Cleric, Ranger, Thief, Barbarian, BarbCombo, Paladin, PalCombo, Trader, Bard

Other Type Components:

Guard, Commoner

Monster Type Components:

Goblin (1), Troll (2), Gargoyle (3), Marauder (4), Rock Guardian (5), Adanf Mage (6), Adanf Dancer (7), Polohzi (8), War Elephant (9), Urrem'tier (10)
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Old June 11th, 2003, 02:53 AM
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Default Re: Dragonrealms Mod

if it drops of the front page without a reply, bump it. probably no-one saw it.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old June 11th, 2003, 10:19 PM

civ2buf civ2buf is offline
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Default Re: Dragonrealms Mod

I suppose this might work better for DO, but Dragonrealms is more of a text commands game than clicking game, and I wanted to have the components as things that are in Dr.

Plus I don't have DO.
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