October 1st, 2002, 07:21 AM
National Security Advisor
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Re: Proportions mod Version 2.5 available
Originally posted by Phoenix-D:
"I haven't seen the AI building mostly escorts for a long, long time."
I'm doing a MP Proportions game, and the Sergetti seem to be building mostly escorts. (as in, 20 escorts, 2 carriers, with the odd light cruiser thrown in somewhere) Unless that isn't an AI that has been tweaked..?
Ah, ok. There are some AI I haven't tested a lot, and while they are not like the old ones which would mainly build escorts, they are set up to build a bunch of escorts and not a whole lot else for a while. It'd probably be good to go adjust some of this.
[ October 01, 2002, 06:22: Message edited by: PvK ]