C\'mon experts, EXACTLY what is Env. Res. ?
I'm still looking for a basic definition of what the Environmental Resistance [Tolerance] trait does for your race. Creating a new race is always fun and it is important to understand where to put your points.
So, does this trait:
a) - increase growth rate on all planets? If so, would it give a different yield if a planet was optimal or harsh? I would think growth rate was already specified by Reproduction.
b) - increase happiness levels on all planets? .. same yield question as a) .. I would think this was already covered by Happiness.
c) - something I can't think of?
It doesn't seem to effect the population cap or remove the need for domes. So, if its not increasing happiness, or growth rate, or maximum population ... then what is it doing?
I apologize if this is a simple question, but I just don't get it.
There my hardy colonists are, on their newly colonized harsh world, and they wonder, "What is the use for this trait?"