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Old February 12th, 2024, 02:24 AM

Christocipher Christocipher is offline
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Default Re: Free Elevation tanks

Oh no thats alright I am going to try to change it myself in the Mobhack but thanks for answering.

Yes thanks for all that information mobhack and I will try to do things for myself in mobhack instead of posting here and I understand the different numbers make things work differently in the game.

But what I am trying to find out is what accuracy and rangefinder and firecontrol are in the tank not how changing them effects the game. So then when I go to put in free elevation using mobhack I will know what things to change.

So can someone please check for me if I have this right?

Stabilizer is for a tank with a stabiliser equipment if you dont have a stabiliser you get a 0. So thats pretty clear to me. Got it.

Thanks Mobhack for saying Fire control is for the gun mounting, and the turret is part of that mounting so turret turn rate is included. So then in Mobhack would I be about right if I did it like this? For a gun with no gearing for elevation or traverse like a bow MG then fire control of 0, for a gun with just traverse gearing and no elevation gearing fire control of 1 and for a gun with traverse and elevation gearing a fire control of 2? something like that?

Rangefinder is a bit tricky to me still though. I dont know any tanks that have one but they all get a rangefinder number, so not like stabiliser where no stabiliser gets a 0 because if you dont have a rangefinder you still get a number. So can I ask is that rangefinder number including the gun sight or maybe binoculars or something as well as a rangfinder if the tank had one?
So for example would it be right in Mobhack to give a tank with a 1 times magnification gunscope a lower rangefinder value than a tank with a 10 times magnification gunscope?

I think I did work something out on my own. That the rangefinder, fire control and stabiliser numbers are all on the tank. But the accuracy is on the gun. So thats makes sense to me now because the stabiliser, gun mounting and gunsight are all on the tank. So would I be right if I changed the accuracy numbers for tank guns based on speed of the shell? because if the shell is really fast it goes pretty flat which makes it accurate and if it goes slow it goes in a big arc which makes it less accurate?

Oh no I dont need to know how the code works that is silly hard.
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