520-523 - HA.28 - according to article in Polish "Lotnictwo" 6/21 and Spanish it has a name "Tigre".
First version used in Spain was HAP (and it might have been its designation - Helicóptero de Apoyo y Protección), but it was armed only in 30mm gun, rockets and Mistrals.
Spike was introduced only with Tigre HAD (Helicóptero de Ataque y Destrucción), delivered from 2015 and probably operational from 2016, when they fired first Spike [now: all 1/08]
Now we have HAP units 520 and 521 with 4 Mistrals and 22 or 44 rockets. Since it can carry 44 rockets and 4 Mistrals, a weaker one seems redundant. But, as this photo shows, maybe unit 520, instead of Mistrals, should carry 68 rockets?...
501,502 HR.15 (Bo-105) - withdrawn in 2017 ( )
Eurocopter EC-135 is used as a light helicopter from 2007 (as HU.26) ( )
We have unit
582 HE.26, but it is wrong - photo and capacity suggest EC Panther or something similar, but HE.26 is a designation of training HU.26 = EC.135 (light helicopter).
507 HT.21L (Puma) - still in use, according to the article and last quoted page (not for long, to be replaced with last deliveries of NH-90)
BTW: should 506 and 507 HT.21 have carry capacity 220? French Pumas have 120, and 509 HT.27 (Cougar) has 125.
581 NH-90 TTH - according to the same page Entrada en servicio: 2014 [1/10]
(BTW: I've just searched for NH-90 in German oob... and it seems it isn't there! Used from 2012 at least)