BIG Problems
I'm typing this on my wife's laptop. My computer locked up and I have no access to it at all and that includes all my email addresses and obviously none of the work done to date on either game.
Right now I am dead in the water until I can have this looked at by a tech.
The 2021 updates are now on hold until if / when I can get this sorted out. This could be a minor blip or a total disaster on a number of levels
After typing that I came downstairs back to my computer and it had finally fully booted up after 10 failures so I'm not out of the woods yet but I DO need to have this problem investigated and ( likely ...) get a new computer and all the fun getting everything set up again.
As I was typing this got a MS notification that there is a windows update so this MIGHT just be the curse of MS updates again. I have found that anytime my computer starts acting up a MS update is not far behind and all of this might/ maybe be the result of certainly has NOT made my day more joyous!
I am running a BU ATM which should catch all the work I've done on the game since the last BU which will avert total disaster but this day started off weird and has just gotten worse
Last edited by DRG; March 11th, 2021 at 10:29 AM..