US Army Platoon Battle Buddy Organization
In an attempt to simulate a United States army rifle company, I have created a formation composed of battle buddies or buddy teams within a standard rifle fire team. This formation simulates the lethal firepower and maneuverability of a rifle company within WinSPMBT.
Each nine man squad is divided into four buddy teams with the lead team holding the squad leader. The organization is given as follows: SL, TL, AR, GRN, RFLM is one squad fire team. This team is further divided into buddies as follows: SL, TL,ARN is one buddy team, followed by the GRN and RFLM as the second buddy team. The second fire team is divided as TL, AR as the third buddy team, with the fourth buddy team consisting of the GRN and the RFLM.
A Rifle Squad
Fire Team
1 Buddy Team: SL, TL, AR
2 Buddy Team: GRN, RFLM
3 Buddy Team: TL, AR
4 Buddy Team: GRN, RFLM
A Rifle Platoon
A Rifle Company
Unit Identifiers
The unit ID convention I used departs slightly from standard army unit identifiers as follows:
Buddy Team/SQD/PLT/Alpha
Thus, 3/1/2/Alpha identifies the GRN/RFLM Buddy Team, of the 1st SQD, of the 2nd PLT, of Alpha Company.
The crewed weapons are simply identified as for example: M240/1/Alpha. Meaning 7.62 M240 MG attached to 1 PLT of Alpha Company.
I created three formations in Mobhack above slot 900 to build the platoon as follows:
A Buddy TM Sqd, a WPN SQD, and a FT Plt as shown below.
MOBHack Formations
Now that the formations are built, platoons maybe purchased in the Editor to complete the critical work of building buddy teams, fire teams, squads, and platoons in the Editor and ScenHack. We'll review building the teams in a subsequent post.
Alpha CO Roster