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Old March 11th, 2020, 12:35 PM

Isto Isto is offline
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Default Patriot SAM poor performance

I have a hard time to believe that Patriot SAM system is really as poor as it is represented in WinSPMBT.

Even it has an EW value of 9, EW value of 8 planes almost always shoot before Patriot systems and destroy them. Shouldn't this be the case only if the plane have higher EW value than the SAM ?

Seems like it have some kind of response problems, and it respond quite poorly against planes that fly over the map too.

Why are they mass produced and used by top countries if they do not fare even against outdated planes ?

I also checked and found this on wikipedia:

"On February 15, 1991, President George H. W. Bush traveled to Raytheon's Patriot manufacturing plant in Andover, Massachusetts, during the Gulf War, he declared, the "Patriot is 41 for 42: 42 Scuds engaged, 41 intercepted!"[53] The President's claimed success rate was thus over 97% to that point in the war."

On a side note, the whole Stand off vs area sam and how Area Sam systems work in winspmbt seems biased as a whole to favour planes as well as having other problems such as the long ago mentioned and confirmed armor calculation problem. (All HE penetration is for some reason converted to 1 against flying armored targets so to be more truthful all HE explosive missiles should show HE penetration 1 in the info screen - because that is what they do in the game)

In WinspWW2 none of these kind of (unrealistic ?) problems exist.

Last edited by Isto; March 11th, 2020 at 03:10 PM..
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