oddity when arty shoots at loaded infantry / gun
I`ve seen this already in some campaigns I`ve played and always regarded it as bad luck but then I did some tests.
Here is the situation:
Infantry or a gun / mortar is loaded on a truck or a prime mover. An artillery strike lands in a field adjecent to my truck. The truck gets no damage (just buttoned), the infantry dismounts but always with casualties.
Even worser when the truck has loaded a gun. The truck gets no damage but the gun is destroyed and it`s crew usually killed.
But why? No damage to my truck means that the bombardment has not hit me, right? But why the loaded gun gets destroyed? Shouldn`t damage only occur when the truck is actually hit?
By the way, it`s that way with primary and secondary Inf weapons. You have to hit the truck and cause casualities to it in order to damage and or destroy the passenger / the gun.
Here is a scenario that shows the situation (#450).
The SdKfz 7 are loaded with guns, while the trucks are loaded with infantry. The bombardment is set to aim at a hex in front of the trucks.
It`s better to turn fast arty off to see the result.
Last edited by Mario_Fr; January 27th, 2017 at 05:26 PM..