Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH
I on the other hand would respectfully disagree with you on the AI, granted it's not as intuitive as a human but, at least we have options to improve it's capabilities to give you a challenge. I have never seen the AI in any game not have units provide covering fire, how many players remember to do the same? Or how the AI likes to send a handful of tanks or recon units to your rear solely to deprive you of points because that's grabbing victory flags in your rear. Or helicopter and rarely airborne units being landed in your rear for the same purpose as just noted that's intuitive to me. How many of us would think to do that in a losing cause just to deprive the opponent of a "grander" victory? Is there things I'd like to see changed, absolutely! How might the game change if it had the option for ammo resupply the human player has? How many games might you/we have lost or lessen our victory points just on that change alone? In the preview we'll see some changes to the AI in a positive direction. And until we see more you can make it harder on yourself and better for the AI in the current game settings.
I only play a small part in this game in trying to make it better with my "One World One OOB" process in dealing with equipment issues and tracking various projects sometimes for years. With life, family and work the hours are very long and demanding of my free time in support of these games. These are grains in the sand compared to what some do and can't even touch the commitment of Andy and Don. The point is the AI from a resting stand point of view makes the most sense in play-ability and simple observation of the game mechanics involved.
And now CINCLANTFLT has advised me my time is up and I need to get ready for work.
Hi; And sorry, I have to disagree with you. The AI is stupid. If a unit gets brewed up it will drive a second unit into the same hex, get it killed, and then send in a third and fourth. The AI artillery will ignore onboard artillery and shoot up an empty field while enemy units are running around its' rear areas. I have never seen the AI use OW or fire and movement nor put down a smoke screen on its' flanks to protect the attack. The AI will do one thing and one thing only, charge directly forward after a flag and destroy itself. The AI is zero challenge.