Re: NVA Maneuvers 9/1965
Technically, Dutch have 17 tanks to your 30 (and 12 only are engaged in actual defence, one platoon covers the flank). So this is circa 2,5:1 for the NVA. Of course quality is on the Dutch side.
Infantry is 9 companies to 4 companies, what goes better for the NVA if we include combat engineers company. Anti-tank infantry weapons are better on NVA side. Dutch quickly invested into ATGMs, those platoons were integral part of every single company and they have it to this day (16 heavy ATGMs and about 20 lighter ones as of 2013). Dutch utilise battalions made of 4 combat companies, sort of odd thing as for NATO standards)
There is more artillery for the NVA. Dutch receive only a battalion of guns, while NVA has its integral medium battalion and heavy battalion attached from divisional support. As for air force: I think NVA has more bombers capable of greater destruction plus NVA holds better AA (if we can call it better in that period).
Given the Warsaw Pact "triangular rule", triangulation of battalion (Dutch side) is a regiment. What could have probably led to assaults just like the one you played on WP planning tables.
This scenario is a proof of concept. Concept if typical Motschutzen Regiment could actually MAKE IT through a typical defensive position. For this reason I do not think balancing it is a good idea.
If you like though, I could borrow one more map (if I will be able to find it) and make eg. Polish motorized/armoured regiment assaulting Belgian battalion. Preferably the same year, 1965. But if you want any other tests like that, let me know.