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Old May 30th, 2015, 12:03 PM

Mario_Fr Mario_Fr is offline
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Default biplanes as level bomber?

I`ve noticed that quite a few biplanes in the game are used as level bombers (class 62). For example the Soviet Union has 4 units (2 Po-2 and 2 R-Z with different loadouts; #414-417).

The main thing that seems strange to me is, that the AAA can`t shoot at level bomber. That`s allright, when it comes to medium and heavy bombers like the B-17, because it`s only light to medium AAA (the 40mm Bofors has got the biggest caliber in the Flak class).

But those light to medium AAA (20 to 40mm) can actually shoot up to 3800m (the German 2cm Flak 38) while for the 40mm Bofors I`ve found 6800m (not max. firing range but max shot height).

The Po-2 had a service ceiling of 3000m and I really doubt that there was a single instance where a pilot climbed up to that height to drop 4x 50kg bombs without any bomb-sight on a given target. And even on that height it would have been fired at by AAA.

Also not every plane that is in the Fighter-bomber class 44 or in the ground-attack class 243 was supposed to strafe targets with machine guns on a low level attack. A lot of medium bombers flew at 1000m to 3000m and attacked only with bombs. Of course they could be shot at by light to medium AAA.

So my proposal is to open up the classes fighter-bomber and ground attack to such planes that DO NOT attack with MG`s but only with bombs at medium height. These should not be affected by the restrictions of the level bomber class (bombing coordinates and being immune to AAA).
Actually this would only mean changing the class of some planes from level bomber to fighter bomber. They should have NO MG`s or cannons.

I don`t know if it`s possible but the best solution would be to have three classes:
- the planes that actually flew low level attacks. These are able to strafe and bomb. They can be shot at by any AAA (also small caliber MG`s with warhead size 1)
- planes that flew between 1000 and 3000m. These can only attack with bombs but are able to select their target on their own (like fighter-bombers now). They can not be shot at by small caliber AAA (warhead size 1)
- real level bombers that only attack coordinates and can not be attacked by AAA (like it is now.)


Last edited by Mario_Fr; May 30th, 2015 at 12:41 PM..
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