Hi @ all and merry christmas!
I made a short scenario about Austrian airborne infantry delaying an enemy armor thrust.
It started out as small testing scenario for this new units, but was fun to play so I hope you'll enjoy it as well.
It is built around the new Austrian paratroops from my modified OOB, so probably you'll need this OBAT-file as well:
I'm glad for any input as this is my first shot at scenario design!
Emergency Brake*
Date: June 17, 2015*
Battle Location: Hohendorf, Austria*
Battle Type: Austrian delay vs Red advance*
Design by: KAreil*
Scenario description: Fictional Scenario.*
Training excercise "Emergency Brake" of JgB 25*
Today morning armored forces from Redland have crossed the border and are moving towards the vital industrial areas in Upper Austria. Austrian forces need more time to get ready to meet this armored thrust. The Red forces are using one of the few main roadways through the mountains and will reach open country in late evening.*
The airmobile JaegerBataillon 25 / 7. Jaegerbrigade is tasked with delaying the enemy thrust in Hohendorf, the last town before open country.*
Note: The few available Austrian helicopters are a strategic asset which must be preserved, exiting them of the map after delivering the troops is strongly recommended.*
Note: If played against the AI, the human player should play the Austrian side.*