Re: Cuban Crisis - Norway
Well I can't definitively speak for the Russians because I've never been in the Soviet/Russian Army. But the general intent was:
1) Screen of light/recon units slightly ahead of the main body on either side of the roads scouting for ambushes.
2) Main body with mine clearing units in the lead traveling down roads (keep in mind this is Norway in October... off-road movement is VERY difficult).
3) On contact with the enemy a company size Mech Infantry formation attacks to either a) clear small ambushes b) locate enemy defensive positions.
4) If #3 is unsuccessful a tank company assaults hoping to smash thru any resistance (keep in mind Norwegian anti-armor assets rather limited and T-62s are damn nice tanks in their day).
5) If #4 is unsuccessful a dismounted infantry assault supported by armor assaults.
Soviet tactics emphasize Blitzkrieg type warfare, even tho the terrain in Norway isn't really suited to it, that's what their trained for so that's what they try to do.
If anyone can show me documentation that that this isn't pretty much how the Soviets would attempt an invasion of Norway in 1962 (remember helicopter warfare is in it's infancy so is not an option, and Airborne forces will be saved/used for major objectives not "Blocking Position" battles in the middle of nowhere) I'll be more then happy to revise the scenario.
Suhiir - Wargame Junkie
People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." - Albert Einstein