Originally Posted by Pibwl
You may be right, that BT-5 should have front hull 3.
As for turret: the mentioned Bronekollektsya says 13 mm, but J. Magnuski wrote in his book 15 mm. It's strange, but I can't find any other detailed Russian monographs on this tank.
Russian Battlefield gives:
"Наставления автобронетанковых войск РККА. Танк БТ-5", М. Отдел издательства НКО СССР - М.1935 г.
М. Павлов, И. Желтов, И. Павлов "Танки БТ", М. Экспринт 2001 г.
М. Барятинский "Советские танки в бою", М. Яуза 2006 г.
as sources. (I know, the first one isn't available to most people). There is also Mikhail Baryatinskiy's "Light Tanks" in English, which Jaeger Platoon site probably used as source for the background data and development history.