I've made an analysis and several suggestions on off-map artillery ranges. As you know, they vary: now some of most common guns have a calculated, relatively lower range (eg. 202 of leFH18 and 25pdr), while some others enjoy a big handicap against them. In some cases, obsolete guns have bigger range, than better and newer ones in one country (say, leFH16 is a better choice now, than leFH18).
I've figured out, that a practical way of calculating off-map artillery range is 190 + range in km (it pretty much works in case of leFH18, sFH18, 25pdr), although it's a matter of choice, if a range should be made even up or down (I usually made it even up)
Precise range values may vary in sources, but a number of kilometres is rather indisputable. I used among others Hogg's "Light and Medium Field Artillery" WW2 fact files. As for Russian guns, I used a Russian book "Artillery of SSSR in WW2".
33 7.5cm leFK 18 - 205, real 9.4 km = 200
36 7.62cm FK288(r) - 208, real 13.3 km = 203/4 (Russian M.39/M.42)
63 8.76cm FK280(e) - 202, real 12.2km = pretty OK (25pdr)
64 10.5cm K 331(f) - 202, real 12 km = OK (French Mle.13 - 12km by Hogg, some sources give 12.7km)
65 10.5cm leFH16 - 204, real 9+ km = 200
66 15cm sFH 13 - 172, real 8.6km - it could be off-map gun with 199, although it is used only by SP-gun
67 10.5cm M43 (i) - 208 ? I don't know what is this. If it is 320(i) (105/32 - newer of Italian 105's), then according to
http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/10.4_cm_Feldkanone_M._15 - 13.6km, but Hogg gives 16.2km for Skoda Model 15.
69 10cm K18 - 214, real 19-21.1 km = no more, than 211
70 10cm leFH 30(t) - 206, real 16 km = OK
71 10.5cm leFH 18 - 202, real 10.6 (leFH18) to 12.3 km (leFH18M) = pretty OK
74 12cm sFH 396(r) - 202, real 11+ km = OK
79 15cm sFH 18 - 203, real 13.3 km = pretty OK
80 15cm sFH 443(r) - 208, real 12.4 km = 202/203 (Soviet #80 152mm obr M-10 has 202)
81 10.5 cm GebH 40 - 208, real 12.6 km = 203
102 11.4cm K 365(e) - 214, real 18.8 km = 209 (4.5in)
103 24 cm K 3 - 228, real 37.5km = OK
104 17cm K 18 - 220, real 28 km = 218
106 15cm sFH 18M - 209 ? I didn't find sFH18M. It is used eg. in Hummel, but according to Jentz, Hummel had sFH18/1 with 13.2km. There was also sFH 40, with range 15.6km. Anyway, 209 seems too big.
107 21cm Mrs 18 - 207, real 16+ = OK
110 15.5cm K 419(f) - 212 - I have no data (French GPFT)
111 15.2cm K 433(r) - 214, real 17.2 km = 207 (Soviet #104 152mm ML-20 has 207)
118 lg 21cm Mrs - 204, real 11.1km = 201 (Hogg's booklet)
134 21cm K 39/40 - 220, real 29+ = OK
04 152mm M1910/30 - 207, real 17 km = OK
33 76.2mm obr 39 - 206, real 13.3 km = 203/4 (F-22USV) (I suggest "76mm obr.39 FG")
36 76mm obr 00/02 - 208, real 8.5km = 199 (correct name in Russian sources is just "76mm obr.02 FG". In all cases there should be "obr." with point)
37 76mm obr 02/30 - 208, real 13.4 km = 203/4
54 76mm L51 obr 36 - 207, real 13.6 km = 204 (F-22) (I suggest "76mm obr.36 FG")
59 107mm M1910/30 - 209, real 16.3 km = 206/7 (I suggest "107mm M10/30 FG")
60 76.2mm M1942 FG - 208, real 13.3 km = 203/4 (ZiS-3)
64 122mm obr 31/37 - 210, real 19.7 km = OK
71 105mm obr 37 IG - 207 ?? I couldn't find such gun, nor such caliber gun at all, in Russian sources.
72 160mm PM obr 43 - 70, real 5.1km = 102 (not off-map, but might be corrected). Name is wrong - PM meant "regimental mortar", while it was divisional mortar.
74 122mm obr 10/30 - 207, real 8.9km = 199 (I suggest "122mm M10/30 FH")
78, 79 - I don't count them - tank guns only
80 152mm obr M-10 - 202, real 12.4 km = 202/3 (I suggest "152mm M-10 FH" - "obr M-10" is incorrect, because M-10 was a system's name, while its military pattern was "obr.1938 howitzer")
102 152mm D-1 Gun - 202, real 12.4 km = 202/3 (should be "152mm D-1 FH")
103 203mm B-4 How - 208, real 16-18 km = OK
104 152mm ML-20 - 207, real 17.2 km = OK (I suggest "152mm ML-20 Gun")
105 122mm obr 38 - 202, real 11.8 km = OK (I suggest "122mm obr.38 FH", aka M-30)
More to follow