Re: B1-B Lancer and B2 Spirit JDAMs
Mea culpa, I apologize for insufficient playtest leading me to believe that PGM runs are always followed by overflight. I just tested with various tac air with and without a mix of weapon type 17 AGM/LGBs and type 11 aircraft weapons, and both types will exit immediately if the PGMs hit their target hex; however, ones with a mix will overfly even if they're out of type 17s because they have type 11 ammo left. I believe it was mixed loads that confused me into thinking all PGM strikes overfly the target, sorry. I understand the mechanics of this better now, thanks for enlightening me.
Therefore, JDAM-equipped aircraft should never carry a mixed load with type 11s, or there is a chance it will overfly the target if it can't find the target in the designated hex. I also see a problem with my suggestion #3, in that if the JDAM is used as a direct fire weapon, there's insufficient delay from launch to target, which will allow misuse of JDAMs against mobile targets, hence they still use LGBs and AGMs against these today. I apologize for the screw-up, and withdraw my suggestions.