Formations, Reaction Turns, and Staying Put
In my current reading, I came across a thread dated in 2005 on Reaction Turn as a way to force AI formations to remain on a hex. Further reading in the current WinSPMBT manual, I find that Reaction Turn 98 will result in a formation staying put. Unfortunately, I have had less than desirable results.
I have an AI advance scenario with all Victory Flags allocated to the human player. Further, I set the Reaction Turn to 98 for a Motorized Infantry Platoon. Interestingly, the vehicles remained in place while the infantry sections advanced.
It is not interesting to set an infantry section at speed 0. I have found that the unit does not fight. While playing with this problem, I set waypoints equal to the game length to the unit's hex. Alas! However, after five or so turns, the unit advanced. Ugh! So, I am turning to the community for a step-by-step tutorial on how to enable formations to remain in place.