Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Running
Thanks for fighting it out to the end, shard. Normally I would have been more cautious with that last fort but I obviously got distracted by new developments last turn and figured it was worth the risk to bring our war to a close.
I will remember two things in particular about this war:
Forts. Everywhere. Unending sieges. Caelum is good at sieges, but given limited resources it still took me a couple of turns on average to breach the walls of those high defense forts and then another to storm, all of which added up.
Bakemono Sorcerers. Every single scouting report seemed to be "there's about 20 units in the province, mainly bakemono sorcerers." WTF, those guys are 300 gold/each. How is he affording that on top of all those fort costs? Of course I know the answer: ultrascales. Still, it was really an insane number of mages.