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Old July 24th, 2012, 09:01 AM

Djuice Djuice is offline
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Default Change the way ERA/Advanced ERA functions.

I am okay with how they currently perform right now, but is it possible to change how it functions so it's closer to reality?

Currently AFVs fitted with standard ERA can defeat any kind of single charge HEAT type warhead if it triggers it.

eg: an US M2A3+ Bradley fitted with M19 ARAT ERA on it's side hull can defeat up to 4 HEAT type weapons, even an all mighty Hellfire A with 105 penetration.

While in reality, ERA will only degrade penetration of HEAT type warheads by a percentage instead of rendering it totally useless like how it currently functions in-game.

Would it be possible to make it so ERA functions as a penetration modifier instead, here an;

eg: ERA now instead of it totally defeating any type of single warhead HEAT, it instead reduces said penetration by a ballpark "70%" figure.

M2A3+ Bradley Side hull 16/20 "4" ERA charges

Hellfire A 105 -> 32
RPG-7V 50 -> 15
9M113 Konkurs 60 -> 18

High penetration HEAT will still penetrate while, the ERA will still perform effectively against low penetrating HEAT in protecting the vehicle from been destroyed/damaged.

Advance ERA should perform similar to standard ERA against HEAT, but it's performance against AP/SABOT should be treated the same as HEAT but with a much lower percentage. But with similar trigger %, currently it's has a fairly low percentage to trigger.

eg: Advance ERA effectively reduces penetration from AP/SABOT by 25%

T-72BM which is a T-72B with K-5 ERA, so a T-72B base frontal turret armor is 49 against AP. It's hit by a 60 penetrating AP shot, but with it's K-5 triggering it reduces it to 45. Preventing it from penetrating, while on the other hand a 70 penetration AP shot will have 53 penetration, allowing it to penetrate. Also it could hit an area not protected by ERA and penetrate, as the ERA coverage on the T-72BM only covers roughtly 50%.

This will make tanks equipped with ERA/Advance ERA feel more realistic as it's protection is dependant on it's ERA performance, ofcourse this will have a larger impact on Soviet/Eastern AFVs, like the T- series and chinese tanks, but will make them more realistic.

As of right now a T-72BM can survive indefinite amount of hits from 120mm M1A1s due to it's base armor and K-5 are calculated together. Or T-80BV with it's Kontakt-1 ERA calculated to its base armor, making it able to survive multiple BGM-71B TOW hits, even though it's ERA has been shredded away from previous hits.
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