Re: New scenario series: Catalan Wars.
Played all 4 and I must say they were definitely very entertaining scenarios. In terms of difficulty I'd rank them as:
PART I: 7/10 managed a marginal victory
PART II: 9/10 managed a draw, both sides had more than 10k loss of points
PART III: 3/10 managed a marginal victory, almost a decisive
PARTIV: 5/10 same as above
As you can see, I found the scenarios that you have the Spanish side the most challenging. The reason for that is lack of any decent armor, most of your tanks are M60s with 1 or 2 Leo2A4 platoons and you have to attack prepared French positions with tanks, including Lecrerc's. Scenario III was by far the easiest, you can just rush to occupy any hexes not occupied by the Spanish and then defend them. IV was a little more challenging, but if you were methodical and use your light armor correctly, you can make it. The biggest asset in both of them are the Leclerc tanks, maybe if you gave the French side mainly AMX30s it would be harder.