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Old June 5th, 2012, 11:43 PM

jivemi jivemi is offline
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Confused Tanks, Mud, Streams, Mines and Blown Bridges

Greetings folks. I just played a scenario (#70-SSsPZ 502 Attacks Kustrin) in which the five elements mentioned above were present.

To win, the Germans must cross a stream (-2 elevation) bordered in most places by mud. There's a single wooden bridge towards the south, but the (secondary) road approach and exit hexes are mined and infantry would get blown off by arty before completion of clearance. Attempts to move around the mines required going into mud, which caused tank (Konigtiger)immobilization almost every time. When I got lucky with the approach mine hex (moving the Tiger one hex into it, then waiting a turn before going onto the wood bridge) it got immobilized on the bridge! This exercise in futile frustration cost nine (of twelve) tanks stuck .

Another attempt to cross the stream a few hundred meters to the north succeeded in getting a Tiger stuck in a mud hex on the far bank (heck, at least he got across! ).

Finally, to the north, my two remaining Tigers plus a PzKw IV found a way over: There was a blown bridge interrupting a paved road that crossed the stream into a village. It was slow going, taking a turn each to move adjacent (a crater/road hex), then into the stream, then onto the crater/road on the other side. By that time Russian Guards infantry had already arrived with armor and most of my advanced infantry, pinned down without armor support, got shredded.

My question is, what is one to do in a situation like that? How can you cross the stream with tanks in a reasonable amount of time without risking immobilization either in the stream itself or the mud along its banks? Thanks for your kind attention.

Last edited by jivemi; October 19th, 2015 at 09:32 AM..
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