Originally Posted by Calahan
I have not seen, or will I ever see, a good build for any nation that involves either Magic 0, Magic 2 or Drain 1 (not unless some major gameplay changes get patched/modded in).
The advice, generally, is good, but I think it overstates it a tad in the case of Magic 0.
Take Bogarus, as one example. From memory, their master of names is 8 RP. +1 on the magic scale yields about a 12.5% increase in research. (Lessened by mages that are crafting, searching or engaged in battle of course).
Whereas +1 on the Order Scale results in a 6-7% increase in the value of all income on all provinces.
Likewise Mictlan and other blood nations can use dome of corruption to increase the magic scale to m+3. If you are setup to endure the horrors - then you can enjoy M+3 without paying the design points for it.
But, like Calahan said - usually magic+1 is a very good design choice.