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Old July 2nd, 2011, 06:23 PM

Mightypeon Mightypeon is offline
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Bug Bug: 3.27 with CBM 1.84 (lamabeast version)


playing as MA Ulm (Year 4), I am getting a Nagot gik fel "lic: bad lnr" error. The game involves me and a bunch of AIs.
How am I turning on the debug mode (its not in the manual), and, given that a mod is being used, should the game be sent to the developers?

During the game, I also had the effect that the commander section (usually on the left side of the screen) dissappeared when clicking on a province with troops but no commander (got assasinated last turn, other commanders initially present moved out, troops on that commander stayed behind). The commander section did not reappear when clicking on a province with commanders. It could be avoided by restarting Dom 3, sending a commander into this province though.

Given that commanders that get assassined while trying to move stop the movement of their troops too, how viable is using multiple assassins to disrupt a nations troop movement?
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