Libyan OOB errors report
Some corrections for the Libyan OOB
Unit n. 23 T-62MV Units n. 25-26-553 T-72A and units n. 35-36-38 M84
They can be deleted.
As far it can be told M-84s may have been ordered but they were not delivered due to the civil war breaking out in Yugoslavia, T-72As were not exported and no T-62MV upgrade was performed. All that it has been listed and observed have been standard export
T-72/M/M1 variants and vanilla T-55/62.
Units n. 17-18-550-551: T-55A
FC increased to 7
SGMT in slot 2 replaced by weapon n. 64 PKT
Final availability date of units 18-550 extended to 12/2020
Units n. 19-20-552: T-62A
1)Speed reduced to 18
2)FC increased to 7, RF to 8
3)Final availability date of unit n. 20 extended to 12/2020
Unit n. 52 TO-62
It should be deleted, likely never existed and even if so never mass produced/exported
Unit n. 282 BRDM-2 (the one fitted with TI), Unit n. 343 Pantsyr-S1 ,Unit n. 567 S-300PM2, Units n. 31-32 T-72G+ Unit n. 361 VCA Palmaria
They should be deleted
Libya signed a contract with Russia for the overhaul and upgrade of its T-72.Air defense systems and other items were also in the talks. There were plans to modernize the Palmaria SPA. All of this course has been suspended/canceled.
Units n. 74 M113A1, n. 360 Palmaria and n. 357 Gvozdika
Final availability date extended to 12/2020
Actively used in the libyan civil war
Unit n. 63 BTR-60P
It could be overwritten with a standard BTR-60PB
Units n. 104-185 155mm M-114
Initial availability date changed to 1/1965
Unit n. 101 130mm M-46 FG
Initial availability date moved to 1/1975 to match its off map counterpart.
Unit 95 25 Pounder FG
Final availability date extended to 12/1977 to match its off map counterpart
Unit n. 346 12.7 DShK AAMG
Final availability date extended to 12/2020
Unit n. 47 BMP-1
Rearmed with weapon n. 82
Safe bet from they are just using standard ammo.
Units 372-373-374-375-376
Infantry Sec
I suggest antitank weapons to be added
Weapon n. 15 PIAT for unit 372
Weapons 17 Bazooka for units 373-374
Weapon n. 19 RPG-7 for units 375-376
The whole ZPU series of weapons need to be added, with early 70’s - 12/2020 as availability dates .
Formation n. 246 SAM Battery
Final availability date restricted to 3/2011
The fixed SAMs were neutralized.
Unit 93 Carl Gustaf PH
It could be deleted. Some are available to Libyans but it seems to me that its use as an indirect weapon would be “atypical”
Unit 240 Leonidas-2
It should be deleted/overwritten
I have not found any corroboration that it was ever sold to Libya, nor it has shown up in the fighting.
The problem is that it is used as template in several formations: perhaps it could be overwritten with a variant of unit n.65 EE-11 Urutu, which would be the closest thing in actual libyan service.
Unit 217 BRDM-2 Konkurs
Initial availability date changed to 1/1991