Hello Everyone. The Official Tech-Grid-Mod thread.
Mac and myself have begun the work on this mod.
It is as it sounds. A tech grid mod
Here is an example of how a item will look like in the upcoming pbw mod.
Name := Cruiser
Short Name := Cruiser
Description :=
Code := CR
Primary Bitmap Name := Cruiser
Alternate Bitmap Name := Cruiser
Vehicle Type := Ship
Tonnage := 500
Cost Minerals := 500
Cost Organics := 0
Cost Radioactives := 0
Engines Per Move := 1
Number of Tech Req := 1
Tech Area Req 1 := Ship Construction
Tech Level Req 1 := 5
Tech Area Req 2 := Industry
Tech Level Req 2 := 6
Tech Area Req 3 := Construction
Tech Level Req 3 := 6
Tech Area Req 4 := Space Yards
Tech Level Req 4 := 2
Number of Abilities := 0
More to come. And Updates will be posted here.