Re: Looking for comments on possible mine suggestion.
Causing damage to the sweeping components seems like a patch to me. I dont like it.
I think that larger mines should be harder to sweep. Right now there is little incentive to use mines other than small because they get sweeped just as easily. If larger mines were more resistant to sweeping, then they would be more widely used and it would somewhat address the 100 unit limit.
Of course, I think that the arbitrary 100 mine limit in a sector should also be removed. If I want 100+ mines, I should be able to do it.
Let mines use the small unit armor components to make mines more resistant to sweeping.
Lastly, a question. If a sweeper does not completely sweep a minefield, can it be destroyed by the mines? If so, this should be changed. A sweeper should be able to spend many turns sweeping a particular minefield and not get hurt by it. Think of it as the sweeper clearing a path into the minefield as it moves into the sector.
edit: grammar.
[ July 11, 2002, 22:20: Message edited by: Hank ]
I was going for a snake-slash-ninja approach with a little bit of hissit!