Originally Posted by Nightfall
I should probably note here that I have apoligised to mockingbird privately for allowing my frustration to get the better of me.
While we are at war in the game, I don't harbour any ill feelings towards him.
I'm glad to hear that! BTW, I didn't intend my comments to MartinTrouman and Sephorin to be in any way critical of you and mockingbird.
Groundworm is quite right that it isn't always easy to handle things gracefully. The further the game goes, and the more time people have put into it, the more difficult it can become when everything falls apart. But the situation with MartinTrouman and Sephorin was particularly worrisome since it had the potential to go beyond diplomatic disagreements to charges of unfair play.
Originally Posted by Groundworm
And, as has been said, congratulations to everyone for handling some dicey diplomatic situations well.
I agree completely!