Originally Posted by Tyr_Doshan
I might just have to do that then. After a dozen SP games, a few light hearted LAN games and a Half Human, Half AI game that was roughly 160 territories large with over a dozen nations in the fight.. I think I'm comfortable with the standard version.
Got a hot link to the content of the mod you might share with me?
Easiest is probably to download the latest version (from here
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43949 ). There is a changelog in the beginning post that combined with the readme in the download should get you started.
There are quite a lot of vocal CBM-players here on the boards, so, as Fantomen said, it is a good idea to get familiar with it. Otherwise it can be hard to understand a lot of the posts here, as it is often not said explicitly if it is about CBM or vanilla (ie regular Dominions).
As for which version you use for MP, you should choose the one you prefer. There are enough vanilla games around to fill your day if you land on that side of the fence.