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Old July 1st, 2010, 06:03 PM

Hermit Hermit is offline
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Default Long Generated Campaign US v Communist

I played a long generated campaign with Israel v. Arabs (Egypt, Syria, PLO) from ~1948 to 1978 (30 years war?) and decided to try US v. Communist (Russia, China, N. Vietnam) from ~1949 to present to learn those units. Currently in April 1951, battles occur every 4 to 5 months.

With upgrades and unit swaps, core is currently 2 identical reinforced battalions composed as follows:

12 x M26 Pershing Tanks
4 x Sherman dozers
4 x M45 Infantry/CS tanks
4 x Sherman flame tanks
4 x M19 SPAA (40mm twin)
4 x Inf Plt. modified to include
2-Armored Inf sqd (just upgraded to M20 superbazooka)
6 x 90mm AT gun
6 x 40mm AA gun
6 x M41 SPA 155mm
9 x 8in+ Off Map Arty
3 x 175mm Off Map Arty
1 x Sherman FO
1 x Recon Platoon of
2-Cav Scout
4 x Lt Attack Helo w/7.62 MG

Map size is maximum, all games played with 50 turns. I'm just finishing up a meeting engagement versus Russians on Fulda Gap map. Two large flat-topped 30-height hills in middle, extensive but broken woods all over map exept on hills, which are fairly open, even on the slopes. Asphalt road runs E-W about 1/3 of way down map, with intersecting dirt road NW to SE. Woods border much of E-W road, clusters of bldgs and fewer woods on diagonal road.

1st VP block is between two wooded areas on northern third of map, with open area to east of woods. 2nd VP on enemy side of largest hill, 3rd VP open area with diagonal dirt road w/bldgs passing to NE and woods to West.

Quick and dirty summary of battle:

Support units were:
3 x M3 1/2-track with 3 Scouts onboard each
6 x M3 SPA w/81mm mortar
9 x 105mm off map arty
crapload of M3's to carry troops and towed guns
12 x M3 ammo carriers

Planned to drive tanks from 1st battalion up in woods to west of northern VP and ambush Russian advance with infantry covered by smoke, then use tank fire to kill. Russians had even mix of T-34/85 and heavier tanks. T-34's were not hard to kill with frontal shots using Sabot ammo, heavier tanks very difficult. Ended up using infantry to assault under cover of smoke, or close side shots as enemy tried to move across my blocking force. Pounding with 105mm off-map arty gave excellent suppression even for heavier armor, which allowed me to get in close under smoke cover and finally kill heavier Russian armor. I then withdrew to allow smoke to clear and move my infantry to find and mop up Russian infantry and RPG-2 units.

In the middle, I set up AT guns on reverse slope of big hill with no VP, and mostly just picked off a few advance tanks. AI focused much more on VP hill (duh!) Besides smoke, flanking shoot-and-scoot worked well from sides of hill with 2nd battalion tanks.

Down south, only support tanks were sent to provide some help to all-infantry force. Crept up to VP area and found it deserted. Helo scouting showed his whole southern force had wheeled to the right to re-take center VP. I pounced on southern VP, which caused enemy to stop for a turn or two, then split some of force back to South. Ambushed them with infantry and flame tanks in woods and buildings off road.

As of turn 24, here is the status:

Most Russian vehicles fleeing or burning; several immobilized heavy tanks I'm trying to maneuver around for a kill-shot or infantry assault. Pursuing (cautiously) to see what units I can still catch and destroy. All enemy arty destroyed or rendered ineffective by my arty, except two pesky 82-mm mortars I can't seem to find. Several 14.5mm AA destroyed by my arty, as exposed by helo sorties. Enemy is making a small counter-attack in center, and I don't have any tanks capable of destroying them close by, so I may have to withdraw a little to buy some time again. If I can pick them off, then in the next turn or two I'll take the last VP's to end the game.

Units lost so far:

Support units = 5 Scouts, 3 APC
Core units =
1 M26 (crew survived)
1 M45 (crew dead)
About 4 or 5 tanks have minor damage, one lost its main gun
One M19 SPAA has guns disabled and one AT gun was abandoned and crew fled off map.
Most of my infantry has taken 1 or 2 (or 3) casualties and one has 6 men lost, but didn't disperse.
2 helos retreated off-map

I'll provide more blow-by-blows once I start next battle.

Last edited by Hermit; September 10th, 2010 at 01:38 PM..
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