So I got thinking about the different alien races in Star Trek and what inspiration they might draw from real-world cultures... sorry if this hits too close to home for some people!
The Federation is supposed to be an idealized America, I'd assume - a melting pot of various races working together with liberty and justice for all, and all that jazz...
The Klingons? Well, I used to think they were Cold War Russians (the "evil empire out there, waiting to get you"), but someone I know said that he thought they might represent Muslims... seemed kinda crazy at first, but think about it - Klingons are obsessed with glory, to be attained by honorable deeds and honorable death in battle... Islam calls for holy struggle ("jihad"), no matter the risk to oneself or others...
Romulans I used to think of as the Roman Empire... In SPAAAACE!!! Which is how they were originally conceived, of course... but the more I see (especially of the later movies) the more they appear like Nazis... and the Nazis did trace themselves back to the Roman Empire! Surely it's not a coincidence that Romulans think they're intrinsically superior to all other races, or that the later Romulans like to shave their heads BALD??? (Skinheads anyone?)
Ferengi? I'm tempted to say they're a horrible caricature of Jews... they wear head coverings, they follow pro(fi)ts for spiritual guidance, they have big noses, they have lots of money and "influence"... but surely the writers couldn't be THAT insensitive... COULD they???
As for the Borg, I'd say they're the dark side of America, what it could become... or maybe communism... ruthless expansionism, making everyone "equal" by taking away anything that gives one an advantage over another... they provide a fitting adversary for the Federation, which has similar ideals but completely different methods!
Any thoughts?